So, very, very soon, I'm going to be buying my first laptop ever. I've been looking at laptops left and right, listening to everything people have been telling me I need and all that jazz, but there just a small problem (actually, two) 1- I have no idea what any of this stuff means! RAM? Huh? Processor? Again, HUH? Can someone explain to me the workings of a computer so I might better be able to choose my new computer? 2- My computer (this connects to questions 1, sorta), well, it has to be able to hold a whole lot of stuff, but I can't break the bank on this computer. I'm talking no more than $900 on one here, and no netbooks. Those things are the devil. But my computer has to be able to hold Paint Shop Pro Photo X2, World of Warcraft and all it's expansions, plus Microsoft Office, and run the internet pretty friggen fast. If you guys could help point me in the right direction with thing kind of stuff, I'd very much appreciate it. :] P.S.- This is the one I've got in mind so far.
Honestly, the laptop you picked is quite good. I was looking for some on another site to give you more options, then noticed that your choice is $800 while mine were $850 and $900. So that notebook is a pretty good value, though I wish they would tell if they video memory is dedicated to the graphics card. Basically, the object of the game when buying computers is to get the highest numbers in all aspects within your price range. Additionally, use reviews to gauge how well the equipment performs—it may have everything you need, but may be unreliable, which drastically subtracts from the positives.
I'll try*. Think of the ram as a second, faster hard drive where the computer keeps stuff you will need on a frequent basis and will need to access to it fast. The more ram the faster your computer will be within the processors limitations. The processor is, well, the brain, if you will. of the computer. No need to get in detail here, but it's safe to say that the more the better (2 1.6ghz processors are better than only one with higher power). Mainly, it will make multitasking several things much more easier. Oh, and most processors now are 64bit capable. This means they can use many many times the ram of a 32bit one and that they will be faster under some specific, stress-high conditions (like 3d rendering). BTW, I'm impressed with that laptop, and I think I might be buying it myself... I need a better one than the one I'm currently using. *: If LoH doesn't beat me to it. edit: woot, he didn't.
Oh, thank you so much you guys. I feel pretty stupid not knowing any of this stuff, but I'm glad you both think the laptop I chose is good enough to hold what I need. Phew!
And btw, here's a suggestion-Ask then to double your original RAM, I always get mine done that way, or a little more-lasts longer and is cheaper after the initial cost(which shouldn't really be much) And that laptop's superb!
Can they double the RAM instantly, or do I have to wait a bit first? Does it cost a lot to do that? And thanks! I've been looking at this one for a little while now, but I seem to be sold on it. It'll just need a new cover; that color isn't me, hehe.
Yup, it's instantaneous-basically they fit in another-lol my Computer guy's real pissed because I'm always getting my RAM updated-shouldn't cost much-if a 450 GB hard-disk is just costing me about less than $100.
Mmmkay, sounds good. I'll ask the guys at best buy about upgrading the RAM when I go down there soon. GAH! I only have about another 11 days before I start seriously looking to go get one. I'm SO EXCITED!