You know, I'm surprised I haven't seen this thread yet. So tell us what it is you'd like to accomplish ( or procrastinate) in 2008. I know that I need to get off my butt and finish writing this novel. I'm trying to set out a timeline to help, but we'll see. lol
umm, you can still have goals that you'd like to accomplish in 2008. Don't take this as extremely in depth, just kind of something or somethings that you would like to do in the next 365 days. lol
haha. that is the most random and funny thing I have heard in a while. Hulls, I think that just made my day.
I don't make resolutions but this year I want to finish all my Missy Bear stories and put them on CD and see where it goes from there. I also want to put down all my children's stories ideas into the computer instead of in my head. That way they will not be wasted. good luck on your search Torana. Finding old friends is great.
Sadly they frown down if you attempt to kick the little B*!"@*ds. And the noise they make sheeesh. If only we had a black out right about...Now.
lessa, that sounds like a plan to me. Good luck with it. I know exactly what you're going through because that's exactly where I am. lol
Hulls. Well, I do abhore the killing of animals, but perhaps there is something you could put out/spray to make them go away. Or get a big dog and train it to hate penguins. lol where exactly do you live btw?