Hello there! I clicked the first link that popped up when I googled "Writers forum", so here I am. When I write, it's mostly for work and to clean other people's messy writing style. It is easier for me to write for someone else, and I really want that to change. I dabbled a little in Fanfiction writing, but I never published anything on FF forums. It is time I start writing for myself again. My head is full of unused words and smart puns threatening to get out in a disorganized fashion, it is time to get a grip! I'll be hanging around for while before I start posting comments.
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you'll fit right in! And it doesn't hurt to have those editing skills at hand when you write 'cause then you'll have less to revise once you're done with your first effort. Here's our New Member Quick Start to get you started. See you around! -Kat
My head is full of useless words and random thoughts but very lacking in smart puns. I guess I can only relate to disorganization part. But welcome, I'm new here too and suppose to be hanging around as well rather than posting....Although I've been posting more than I should. So thanks for reminding me. ;-)
I like your style, Guylaine. I'm not sure getting a grip will help, though. Sometimes you just gotta revel in un-gripped-ness. Greetings from Ottawa.
Thank you, thank you! @LinnyV : I used to jump right in the middle of a conversation by posting comments that weren't worthy. I am restraining myself from blurbing out random thoughts without proper background information. So I'm in a reading mode. I really like what I read so far, except for the Sad comment section, negativity brings me down, yet I am strangely attracted to it. @Sack-a-Doo! : Indeed! I'm trying to make a change here. I have had no control over many things in the past few years, so I am trying to get a grip and write those pearls of wisdom. @KaTrian: Thank you! I will comply! XD Edit: Well, now, I have to change my screen name! XP
@Pandorag ...Oh,if that's why you feel the need to refrain from posting then maybe you shouldn't. Who's to say your comments are not worthy? There's such a thing as skimming so you filling up a bit of online realestate with some randomness isn't going to hurt anyone. ;-) We must be opposites, positivity drives me crazy in people because I'm such a negative person, but hey, I'm strangely attracted to these upbeat positive souls!
Actually, I want my comments to be constructive and articulated and not as spontaneous as I used to make them. Then, I can live better with knowing I did my best, even though the comment slipped unnoticed. XD. I am not saying I will not be spontaneous, I mean I can't change that much. Anyway, I'll see how it goes from here.