I know, it sounds like a great way to raise you post count, but I would suggest that post count in this particular forum be disabled. Some times it feels like this forum is too serious, and some times I think members would like to take a load off and just simply have some fun. May not get any support, but I personaly would like to see it
makes no sense, for this section... and anyway, i don't think there's any way to just disable the count feature for a single section...
I've seen it done on at least 1 other forum. I ment a non-sence forum in which you basically could be less than sensable and post what ever you wanted as long as it still followed the most essentual of site rules. Like nudity and such would not be allowed, but random messages would be. It's pointless, but there are those like myself who are 'corny' and like to just have some fun from time to time
You mean this sort of nonsense: There was an old man from Nantucket who drummed a good beat on a bucket his hens 'Let's swing it,' he said 'If you if sing it,' But the hens said, 'we can’t we’ll just cluck it.' Yeah I know mamma - it doesn't belong here!
word games would be ideal for this kind of thing and they don't count towards your post count either. Hope this was of some help.
lol, yeah, where you can say anything you would like.. Heck, if you were feeling crazy enough you could type a message like this on the Non-sence forum if we adopted one. I wouldn't suggest anythingquite that crazy, but you get the idea.
Sounds as if it might be a bit dodgy. But good as an experiment in human behaviour. I'd bet on it being quite tame.
maia, you aren't permitted to post silliness of this sort in the lounge. The moderators are quite clear on that. You are however to post things of this nature in the games thread and that is the only place it would be permitted. The lounge, while is an off topic forum, is not for random silliness threads/posts. If you do post in there with silliness, I am sure you will get warned by the mods because it increases your post count by posting in there (I think, I don't know, I'm not active enough to care), but either way, it's not the place is what the mods have stated in the past. THe word games is the place. So take it to the word games forum.
As others have said, we have sections like The Lounge, Word Games etc when we want to talk about things other than writing. We don't need a nonsense section. That will easily breed a blitz of spammers coming in to say stuff like "O MAYH GAWD I OWNZ!!!11oneshift".
ok, so either the lounge or the word games section... but i still see no need to start a whole new section for silliness from members with time to waste, on a site supposedly meant for 'serious' writers...
Plus useless/ransom/silly posting is not encouraged because it costs the site owner money. Every bit of data up and down contribute to the total site bandwidth expense. It may seem small, but multiply it by hundreds of users a month and it all adds up. There are other places on the net that cater to 'random' postings. This is a writing board not a hang out chat room.