to put this, so General Writing it is..... In my series, my main Character, is female and an orphan. She is raised by the Catholic church (Nuns). My dilemma is.....I don't know where to look for research as to how a Catholic school is ran.... I'm talking like old school Catholic school, like where they raise the girls up to be nuns.... Any Ideas? Or should I just blow smoke out my butt and make it sound good? HA!
Thanks! Yes, a convent, but I was hoping to find a catholic school that was associated with a convent! HAHAHAHA! Yes, High hopes, I know......
I'm sure you probably will find several if you use Google. We're not going to do your research for you.
Thank you. I am aware that only I can do the research needed. I didn't know if someone maybe knew of a website, or had inside knowledge, etc.