Ok, so i've been trying to post a chapter of my novel on the site but it's too long. I've tried cutting it down but i really want help on the whole chapter, and there's only so much i can cut. any suggestions?
You could spread it over two posts. But to be honest, that kind of length is gonna dissuade people from critiquing. You're better off identifying more specifically the part you need help with, and only posting that.
Whenever I post something that's too long, I separate it into two chunks (or three or four, if needed) and go from there. But like Banzai said, I doubt I'd go for something that's two posts long. When I go to review something, I usually skip over the stuff that's really long. I just don't feel like reading so much stuff. =\
I'd start with a shorter excerpt. Then you'll get critique on the basics - spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, dialogue, pacing, etc. Once you have benefitted from that advice, you should be able to get your chapter in better shape, ready to review as a unit. At that time, you can split it over a couple posts. Also, by then, you'll probably have people ready to see it through with you to the nexts stage. Please post all revisions and sections of the same story in a single thread. preferably post the revisions as new posts in the thread rather than editing the original in place.
I too would go with a briefer piece of the chapter. People automatically look for shorter things to review. *Raises guilty hand*
One thing you could also do is, once you've developed relationships with others on the site, some might be willing to have you e-mail the longer stuff to them and they can print it out. I know I'm willing to do that for anyone who wants a more in-depth review.
Rei took the words right out of my mouth. Look for someone of like mind in creative writing style such as...Sci-Fi, Romance, Gen Fic… ect. Also… and this is important, make sure you actually enjoy what they write. Strike up a friendship, and then respectfully request to send something you have written and ask if they'd be willing to review it. And then just go from there. Generally this has worked for me. Just be prepared for the off chance that the person you choose will simply ignore you, which is okay, just move on. There is always someone out there willing to mentor and learn from you at the same time. Good luck.
I would also start with a shorter post... post the beginning of the chapter (a third or whatever)... allow people some time to review, then a few days later or a week post a little more... allow time for reviews again, and so forth. The good thing about this is that once you post your first excerpt you can take that feedback and apply it as much as possible to the rest of your chapter before your second post.
Just curious, as I'm new here. But if you want to post longer portions of your work in the novel section, why not also be required to critique longer works in the novel section? For those that are writing "novels" (that word makes me nervous - it sounds so "unending"), we generally want feedback on each piece of it, not just sections. And I'm more than willing to work on longer pieces in exchange for some feedback on mine. If that doesn't work, is there a place to find out who is willing to be a "dedicated reader" of longer work, and partner up? Or even, create a group of reviewers who will tackle longer pieces? Anyway - this might have already been an answered concern - I just didn't see it. Just a question - I will go hide under my newbie rock now.
There are the reviewers (members with lime green usernames, a list of whom you can find here). However, they are not in any way obligated to review your work if they don't want to. But you can ask. Failing that, there is nothing to stop you requesting such an arangement with another member on the site.
I think that gets a bit complicated to enforcc. I'm up to my ears just making sure people post SOME kind of sincere reviewing effort. For my part, I'll leave that to those posting reviews. Feel free to look at anyone's posting history before deciding how much effort to put into reviewing their work. In fact, I encourage you to do so! Social pressure can be much more effective than a longer list of rules, in any case.
Any member can, and should, review submissions in the Review Room. So in that sense, we are all reviewers. As for the title Reviewer, with a capital R, those are granted to members primarily on an as-needed basis. It;s a small bit of glory for a lot more work - Reviewers are primary contacts for work that no one else has been been reviewing, and also are expected to help mentor the reviewing process. They are usually selected from among members who have consitently put in a huge reviewing effort over a period of time. They don't really get any special privileges beyond the recognition.