1. Torana

    Torana Contributor Contributor

    Mar 13, 2007
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    One of those "What do I say moments?"

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Torana, May 4, 2008.

    Today me and my angels walked to the park. We bought drinks and munchies along the way and it was a lovely walk.

    When we arrived they went straight to play with the other children there and I sat down to do some revision. It was so peaceful.

    They played for over an hour and then it was time to go. So I told them to say goodbye to the other children so we could leave. One of the children was a young Aboriginal boy. He was such a little angel. Very polite and well spoken and ever so curtious (i think that is the correct spelling, if not I blame my lack of sleep).

    Anyways...he walked over to the boy said goodbye and came over to me and said

    "Mom I don't want to give him a hug or a kiss goodbye." I didn't blame him, he didn't know this child at all. So I said he didn't have to, he didn't with the other children so why should this child be any different? <I was a little confused>

    He then continued to say

    "Mom I can't kiss and hug him because he needs a bath. He is covered in chocolate mom. Can I give him some of the wipes in Amity's bag so he can clean himself?"

    My face turned bright red, I didn't know where to hide my face, nor did I know what to say to my son...so I picked both of my children up and we left...on the walk home he saw a Aboriginal couple behind us and he said

    "Mom the chocolate people are coming. Did I upset them cause I said their son needs to have a bath?"

    At this point I couldn't help but laugh. THey weren't the childs parents at all, and the whole thing just seemed to be a little funny at the time. So now i have to try and explain to my son why he has white skin and others don't....

    Has anyone else been in a situation like this? Where a young child had asked a question in public, or done something in public and you just don't know what to say or do? Do share your stories :D hehe
  2. Banzai

    Banzai One-time Mod, but on the road to recovery Contributor

    Mar 31, 2007
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    Reading, UK
    It's what children do, Torana. They do their best to embarrass their parents. Just make sure you explain to Mason at a more...opportune time.
  3. schrei

    schrei New Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Aww, that's so cute:love:

    When my brother was young he went up and asked a random chinese person why their eyes were 'mucked up'. Was very embarrassing.
  4. Gone Wishing

    Gone Wishing New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    My brother told me that my nephew once walked up to someone and asked them why they were fat. :eek:

    I'm glad I wasn't there to have to apologise for that!
  5. Heather Louise

    Heather Louise Contributor Contributor

    Dec 10, 2006
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    Lmao, that is hilerous Torana, bless him. :p

    And my cousin Emmily had a habit or spurting her mouth of. Like this large man got on the bus the other week and she decided to shout about how fat he was. Or she asked some other fat lady whether she was pregnant. the ladt never replied, so Emmily said,
    "It must be twins". I culd have died !!
  6. FoxyMomma

    FoxyMomma New Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Albuquerque, NM
    Being the mother of 2 very outspoken little boys can be daunting to say the least. I am constantly putting my hand over their mouths to stop the words from flying out. Usually it's when we are at a buffet and I'm trying to get away with telling them my 4 yr old is 3 so he is free! He doesn't eat enough to be charged full price! He will holler at me "I'M 4 MOM!" little bugger!

    I do remember when I was pregnant with the little one and the older one was going around telling everyone that a baby was going to come out of mommy's vagina. AND daddy put it in there with his penis! That was great!
  7. AwfulBigAdventure

    AwfulBigAdventure New Member

    Apr 30, 2008
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    In Disneyland
    Luckily, across cultures, kids say the most darndest things so no one gets too offended.
  8. Leaka

    Leaka Creative Mettle

    Dec 17, 2007
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    My cousin points at people and calls them ugly. Then she goes on and ask them why the world made them ugly.

    She also points at fat people and yells Fat!
    Its actually my uncles fault he taught her that stuff.

    She calls daisies: Son of a (word for female dog).
    She did it with me and I didn't know what to do other then tell her she wasn't allowed to say that word, but seh continued and people were looking at me.
  9. Torana

    Torana Contributor Contributor

    Mar 13, 2007
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    LOL they are all hilarious stories. I love the way kids are so ebil lol

    I think the ultimate worse my kids ever have done would be, they escaped my parents yard, snuck into my neighbours house through her back door and toilet papered her house while she was out the front talking to my mother >< Yipes!
  10. Neha

    Neha Beyond Infinity. Contributor

    Dec 24, 2007
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    *cries* Mase may think I had a bath with tar then Tor...lol...seriously, you can explain it to him with the help of the undercooked bread, overcooked bread, and just-right cooked bread example...the children get a kick out of it. It's sad, but one of my cousins came home one day crying, and when I asked him why he told me that a foreign teacher's son had told him that he had a skin same colour as wood(no doubt refering to his complexion). It took real long to settle the kid down, and say there's nothing wrong with him, and then we had to compare skins to see who was fairer-he was of course-(not that I liked it), and tell him that, everyone around us is the same, to which he very rightly pointed out that everyone in our family was extremely fair, except me*cries*, lol. But it hurt.

    Now what was the topic again? Humourous?
  11. (Mark)

    (Mark) New Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    I don't think the bread analogy is a very good idea. Telling your child that someone is just-right, and that people with different skin colors are over or under cooked is just asking for trouble.

    Instead, I think you should go find some pictures of different breeds of cats and dogs, and explain that people are the same way. Just as some animals have different color fur, some people have different colored skin, but it doesn't change anything about them.

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