I want to start reading a novel online as I am not a great reader of books. Is there any way I can read online without a copyright infringement? And any recommendation of a book for a beginner would be appreciated
I'm a little puzzled about what you mean as far as the cause of your desire to read online. What do you mean you're not a great reader of books? That you haven't read much? Why would online be better?
I mean I am not so used to reading from a hard book. I prefer reading online so that I can quickly use a dictionary by copy-pasting words online.
Oh, I see. Have you tried a kindle? I think, also, that you can get a kindle application for your computer, so even if you don't own a kindle, you can still buy kindle books and read them on your computer. You'd have the functionality of the online dictionaries, etc. that way. That would open up almost any book to you (although obviously, most of them you would have to pay for.) But if cost is not the primary factor, I'd say the kindle computer app (or iPad if you have an iPad) would be an option you should definitely investigate.