1. muddy130

    muddy130 Member

    Jul 19, 2010
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    Music Making A Story

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by muddy130, Jan 18, 2013.

    Do you ever come up with a story or a moment to write about when listing to music, this happens to me a lot. Just the only day I heard Amy Winehouse Me & Mr. Jones and I wanted to write about a woman that was an escort in a hotel with some old rich guy. She was dancing for him and stuff but later she ended up killing him because she was an assassin also. Its wired but that's what pop up in my mind.
  2. PaulKemp24

    PaulKemp24 New Member

    Dec 24, 2012
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    I find writing inspiration from music, particularly Bob Dylan. Not specific scenes or stories as you describe, but just inspiration in general. I'll often turn on some Dylan when I'm getting my morning coffee and getting ready to do some writing. I pay close attention to the lyrics.
  3. Oswiecenie

    Oswiecenie Active Member

    Dec 22, 2012
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    Whenever I listen to a particularly moving piece of music, I find myself making up a story in my head to go along with it. In fact, all the stuff I've written so far was born this way.
  4. Dragoon119

    Dragoon119 Member

    Jan 21, 2013
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    All the time! In fact one of my soon to be novels is based entirely on one song. Although the song has nothing to do with the story or the plot. The design of the music characters, and their time period gave me an explosion of ideas that came together to make the plot. Also, music keeps my enthusiasm up when I'm in the middle of writing and feel like calling it quites to read something else or watch a show.

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