Hey, I'm not really asking what you think of my idea because until it's written it's hard to tell, more opinions on how i'm writing it. So it's Paranormal Fiction i guess (not vampires 0r werewolves) It's about a man who is a Psychologist, he lost someone close a few years back and it caused him to be interested in the Paranormal (ghosts). Which leads him to met a Psychic Medium whose very convincing. As i know it's a contraversial subject i'll try and look at it from both perspectives. The reader sees and hears what the Psychic does but you're encouraged to ask is she a con? Or does she truly believe what she hears and sees but makes it up in her mind. The book is more about the Psychologist and the Mediums power struggle, and the ability to help one another. At the end of the book people are encouraged to make up their own minds about the Psychic and the Events that happen. Thoughts on it and advice would be good. My plot hasn't been fully formed yet and i'm only a quatre of the way through my research.
It seems to be an interesting idea. However, i would like to suggest that you should keep a loose script of the main story in your mind, and keep on writing. The more you will write, the different and further deep thoughts would start emerging and becoming part of the novel. I think that would make your novel more impressive.
Concept is good. Nothing better than a story that asks a question. Develop it and maybe get started on writing, we'll be able to give you some better opinions at that point.
So... what exactly ARE you asking? Just for opinions on whether it's a good concept? Well, firstly, concepts are rarely new, original or really very much to get excited about. Just about any concept under the sun can be (and has been) written about. It can be made either spectacularly entertaining, or dull as dishwater, depending on how you write it. So go write it. Ask opinions on whether it's any good after you've got something to show.
I was just a bit concerned that as it's a contraversial subject whether it was a good idea. I've noticed that those who believe in Ghosts and Psychics believe very passionately but those that don't hate it very strongly, as it's exploiting 'vulnerable' people. And there's no evidence really that these things do exist so i tried to approach it from a different angle. It's not really about whether ghost's exist or don't, we'll only know for sure when we die. But maybe contraversial is good.
Controversy is not something to be worried about. It means people are passionate about something, and that passion makes it an interesting subject. Would you want to write about something no one gave a damn about?
Lol Kallithrix, that's true. I don't want my book to be all about throwing possibilities of these things out the window. But i don't want to say they do exist either. Personally i think it's all crap especially mediums but so does my MC so we have that in common. Thank You everyone for talking with me, it helped me out a lot. xxx
So basically it's a story involving a "Psychic/Mentalist" (the difference being whether the person has actual powers or are intentionally faking them), and throughout most of the story it's never clear whether or not the person is a real psychic or not. Hmmm... it seems like an interesting concept. A movie I would suggest you watch is K-pax if you haven't because it kind of sounds like what you are talking about. It's about a Psychologist who works in a mental hospital, and his current case is this man that claims to be an Extraterrestrial from Kpax. Obviously the Psychologist doesn't believe the man, but events happen throughout the movie that lead you to wonder if this person is actually an alien and the Psychologist kind of struggles with this as well. In the movie you do eventually learn the truth, but you don't have to end your story that way if you don't want to.
Thanks Agentkirb, That's sounds like an interesting Movie and i think it will help me with my book. I haven't exactly decided what the story will be able, what i said about wasn't really the full plot line for a book, more of a character plot. So i'm still working on ideas, i have no idea how it will end yet really.
While it's not a bad idea, I kept getting the feeling that I've seen it before. Even though I haven't. What makes your premise interesting? What makes it "fresh"? ...I've got an idea. "Ones a Psych. The Other is a Psychic. Together, they fight crime!"