Just gathering ideas around the idea of optimism and how to incorporate it in story writing without leaving the reader dejected or without inspiration to want to read or write their first stories? Any ideas?
Your question is unclear, because it abruptly diverges from reader to writer, and then apparently assumes the reader will become a writer. I suggest a rewritten question.
To the OP, I can answer (the above) that the place to discuss stories is not in the Workshops, as that has a singular purpose that is not focused on encouragement. So it would generally be in the Creative Writing Forums. I believe optimism and encouragement to be a matter of proper behavior in general, and I would take corrective measures, if necessary, to keep it so. What has been your experience? Where do you usually find encouragement for peoples ideas, if I may ask? It seems to shift around somewhat, depending on topic. Enthusiasm is a bit enigmatic. I feel that story-based mentoring should be an official part of the WF structure. We shall see.