May God s peace and blessings be upon you dear friends! Hope you are doing well! We are members of one forum , or rather of one home! This thread is an attempt to strengthen our relationship and to promote opportunies to help one another and share interests and our views on different issues and current events. So this is our home! Feel free to share with us all that might be useful! We can also share our burdens and problems! By the way I am a new member!
So to start with I have a question to ask, why do you write and when? As far as I am concerned I write for two main reasons: whether to express happiness or sorrow! If I am happy I would like to write in Arabic and when I am sad I prefer French, and I just dont know why? How about you?
Greetings, morning. I should perhaps point out at this is the wrong place to post greetings like this. And btw what's with the weird color on the text? But before I make you hate me after a single post, welcome! I hope you enjoy it here, and I'm looking forward to reading some of your posts. Btw I write becausae I enjoy writing, write whenever I have the time and tried to learn Hebrew because I had a big crush on the hot, Swedish teacher. :redface: (she was my age, though.)
I guess you are a skillfull writer! Well I am fond on foreign languages and I once wanted to learn hebrew but some friends told methatits so difficult and I never gave it a try! Whats wrong with that teacher? lol! Thanks for your post! I appreciate it so much! Looking forward to being your friend nd student! God bless you! Sabah
Hehe, don't worry, any font color is fine as long it's easy to read, in my opinion. And as for not being a native English speaker, I'm from Norway. But I've always thought it's more important what you say than how you say it. If I understand what you are trying to say, that's good enough for me.
Hi! I write because it's something I grew up doing since I was really little. It's just always been a passion and strength of mine. I write various genres but right now I'm working on a fantasy for kids and teenagers. And my great-grandmother learned Hebrew and got very skilled with it before she passed on. If it's something you want to do, you should definitely go for it.
I find that you are a very enthusiastic person. I like that. I write because my mind tells me to. Every single emotion I feel is how I write. Mine is more of a automatic reflex. If I see a blank sheet of paper or a blank word document in front of me, I pick it up immediately and begin writing. Writing has been a part of me since I was about 8 or 9 years old. I will never put it out of my life.
We already have the Wayfarer's Tavern thread, so this one is redundant. Please continey the topic there.