I want to write a James Bond-like story, but I can’t decide who to make the “James Bond” (they won’t have the name James Bond, but they’ll do what James Bond does). Both candidates are people I know/know of, I think either is fitting. Person #1- A 65 Year old Attorney of Seminole Indian descent. Even at 65, he looks far younger, and is quite mobile (no arthritis or anything like that). He’s physically built and has long black hair. Person #2- A business man who’s company has locations around the world (so he travels a lot). He’s 50 years old. He has a Daniel Craig-like figure. Being a traveler and an Amex Centurion Card holder, he gains access to clubs and such around the places he travels to. I’ll provide more details if needed. The story will probably have the character going to Morocco, Shanghai, and possibly somewhere in Mexico. Would appreciate any input on this!
I'm not sure anyone can adequately respond to your question, my friend. I can't begin to know what kind of difference either of these characters would have on the story. Moreover, what's important is what you want. For what it's worth, just write the story in whatever way feels natural. Likely, your character will change to adapt to the direction of the story. If you write the second option, then decide, "I think this guy needs to be an attorney of Seminole descent," then change it! Nothing we write is unchangeable. You can change literally any facet of your story. The caveat in that is you have to first write the story. You can't change something that isn't written.
You’re right, I can change whatever I want once it’s written. If it were character #1, then there would be more major shootout scenes. Think the opening scene in Goldeneye or the driving the tank through Moscow scene later in the movie (where there is also a gun fight in a library). With character #2, there would be a lot more stealth work. Basically he’d mirror what the Daniel Craig Bond has done in the movies, while Character #1 would resemble Pierce Brosnan and Sean Connery more.
I guess I'm still not seeing how just because your character is an attorney of Seminole descent that it precludes him from being a character more in line with the actor you mentioned. That, I think, is my main point. You can have the attorney do any of the things you have the other guy do, and vice versa. I don't know, man. If I were you, I'd be more concerned with pinning down some plot points and all that (essential) jazz than I would be about trying to figure out which Bond actor best suits my story, if that makes sense.
These look like two different stories to me. I mean, those two characters just make me think about different things happening to them and I can't decide which of the two stories would be "better". Of course, things may work differently in your imagination. Unless we can read each other's minds, I have no idea how you see those characters developing! And even if I tell you what story I envision for each of them, the actual writing process may transform that story into something unique to the author who's writing it. If I tell you that Character #2 is better, but then you can't come up with an amazing story for them, then what's the point of that advice... And that's why it does't seem wise for somebody else to tell an author what choices to make. Those two will both make great "Bond" type characters . Try to create a full story for each of them and see which one flows better. If you write yourself into a corner, you can always switch to the other one . That said, I also think the Craig character is an obvious fanfiction and that's a slippery slope. You may start copying stuff from the films and whatnot. But if you start with a character who's not resembling the one from the movies, you might naturally build a unique story (or you may not, who knows )
From a reader point of view, I'd be more interested in character #2 being the Bond type person simply because he can use his travel knowledge to his advantage. If he has offices all over, then he could have "friends" all over too, ones that can help him both into and out of, tight spots.
Bond is definitely in my wheel house while I liked Sean Connery's bond he's not even my third favorite bond. Goldeneye my fave bond film, For your eyes only, then Daniel Craig's Casino Royale. Kiev I don't wish to say which of your characters I like more, I think that choice should be yours. Don't want to change the course of your river, I just want to ride my canoe in it. I would do as Spencer suggested, plot out where you want to go. Characters will come. Solid ideas and inspiration too. I have 90% of my book plotted out even though I'm still in the prologue stages. I know most of my characters by heart. I have plans. Plan out your villain. If he's like any Bond villain bad guy then we know his type. I would suggest to go against type. I have a saying, I said it earlier today talking about villains. Every good protagonist needs a good bad guy or girl. I like my villains insanely intelligent. They don't monologue, and they don't walk out of the room to let Bomd escape. Do your best to kill your Bond in the most inventive and cruel ways you can possibly dream of. That's my suggestion.
You are right, they’d be two different stories. I’m going to have to write down what I want the story to be and then go from there. The challenge will be to make the story interesting, something that catches the reader. And hopefully a brilliantly developed character will add even more to that. A lot of work to do with this one.
Do you think Morocco and Shanghai would be interesting settings from a reader’s POV? And then maybe a Part 2 that goes into a European country for more of a Bourne Identity-type story (but the central theme is still special agent).
Would a story about the two different characters from two different backgrounds with two different skill-sets work?
I think so-and whoever I decided to pick, I could back through and add scenes that are specifically made because of the character’s background. There would be more extra details added for #2’s background than #1. I think the opening scene from Spectre screams character #2. Flew to Mexico for business, but has a side mission. And because he’s a traveler, he doesn’t mind participating in events celebrated by the natives. While blending in with the locals, he still wears his suit underneath and packs a gun and his Centurion card. It’s a scene I’d love to have in my story. Worth checking out if you haven’t seen it.
Well he does have on in real life, and the it’s perks for traveling make it worth mentioning in my opinion. If not I would not mind alternative ideas and suggestions.
Oh. Wait. You're using a real person as a fictional character? That strikes me as really dangerous legally.
For what it’s worth, the story would never be published. And two, I mean I know the guy and could always ask but
Here’s one issue though...... How does a multimillionaire businessman from Texas get involved in a life like Bond? Yes he has offices in Singapore and Germany, but how does he go from managerial oversight in his company to James Bond? And not only live a secret Bond life, but have the same skill sets as Bond? He’s stealthy, proficient with a variety of firearms, hand to hand combat, etc. there must be some background somewhere right?
He enjoyed martian arts as a kid and never gave it up. He loves the outdoorsy life. If he's a business man from Texas, then is there a possibility that he could be in the oil business?? If so, maybe he has found an eco friendly way to refine it, and the other major influencers in the industry, don't want to follow suit because they want to go on polluting the earth and charging an arm and a leg for their oil?