Dom will be coming home the first or second week of july. SO fishing, canoeing, camping, laughing, painting the house, laying the floor in the living room, painting the living room. Can't have him bored. One week spent with our 7 year old grandson doing what he wants. one week with Dom, Ray, Christie, Sean, Mia, Cameron and hopefully Lisa.(if she can get here with Dom from China.) Sitting and writing stories, to send to the agent. Working on my ceramics and knitting. I love having my family around so if everyone makes it this year for a week it will be like Christmas, birthdays, holidays all rolled into one week. What could be better.
Pass my exams, move from part time to full time at work for a few weeks, prepare for uni and possibly a camping trip.
I'm looking forward to half-day Fridays in the summer, by working an extra hour during the other 4 days. Man, I like the way this place thinks!
I have school all summer...D: My school is dumb and makes us go all year! I have a grand total of two weeks off in the summer. One in June and one is August. >:C Plushii is not pleased!
I'm intending to finish my exams, edit one of my novels, get hammered at Regatta, quit my job, and go on a camping trip
A trip to Paris next month for my wife's and my birthdays (a week apart) and then generally lazing about, as you do at my age, before a trip to visit my sister in Spain in October to celebrate my son's 7th birthday. I love summers...
I get one day to myself after school lets out...then I go sailing in Key West with Boy Scouts for a week. Oh, woe is me. =P After that, I come home, possibly go to a music camp for a week, and then be as lazy as possible. (Sitting at the computer and writing, luckily, counts as being lazy for me.) That's how the best summers ought to be spent.
Making some big changes!!! Putting myself first for a change!! Actually it starts the end of this month...yeah!!!
Working. Going to the beach a lot (a perk of living in Florida). Maybe some camping, maybe a few short road trips to see some friends. Who knows. I never plan ahead. Oh! Turning 21. That'll be exciting. I have to make this summer amazing, since it's my last before graduation. Then I have to become an "adult."
Prepare for college/to move out Quit my job Make some serious progress on my novel Take a week-long trip to NY Those are the main for plans that come to mind.
Work. Work. More work. Some writing. Work again. My family's in Las Vegas right now, and I'm stuck in lousy Ohio because I'm soooo anti-social. Brother graduated from college, so that's his vacation party. I didn't want to go, I would've stayed in the hotel every day anyway. So here I am, at home, forever to stay. I should consider getting a life.
No, no. That's quite all right, Banzai. While people waddle around with this "life" of theirs, I'm sitting, plotting, and eating Lucky Charms and fudge.
Share some life with me? I intend to stay as pale as I am whilst sitting inside burning my eyes out learning javascript.
Winter is creeping in here, i love the cold weather..never did do to well in the heat. Though between the numbing cold wind and the rain, the sun still manages to poke its ugly head through the clouds from time to time. Cold weather is snuggle weather..and dont tell anyone..but i like to snuggle
Lives are OK... but get better as they age... try and get an old one... they fit better... more comfy....
summer plans: 1. work 2. study vector geometry and practice proofs 3. play with new folk band 4. paint
I myself am hoping to pick up some more writing work here and there for my ghostwriting service. I also hope to find some more acting to do throughout the summer, (when acting chances is scarce.) I will probably try out for a local one act festival, which I have been in for the last 4 years. And just this morning I tried out for a local indy movie. (Which will not shoot until fall...but there will be meeting during the summer if I get in, so that still counts, right? =) )
My plans. 1) Fail some students on their exam. 2) Go to Vancouver with my girlfriend for 4 days. 3) Visit my parents and my brother and his family, with my girlfriend and try not to scare her away. 4)Hug my Mom a lot and sometimes my Dad. 5)Say good bye to my girlfriend as she goes back to China. 6) With my girlfriend gone, hug my Mom for the next week. 7) Mope around the house because my girlfriend is gone. 8) Buy shirts because I can't find any my size in China. 9) Get ready to leave for China. 10) Mope around the house because I'm not going to see my parents for another year or so. 11) Leave for China. 12) Get back to China and maybe possibly it depends on how things go propose to my girlfriend. 13) Return to work. I've got everything well planned out. Edit: Also at some point in their I'll try to become a free lance writer working over the internet.