1. Jane with dyslexic flag

    Jane with dyslexic flag Member

    Apr 2, 2017
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    plot development help

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by Jane with dyslexic flag, Apr 2, 2017.

    I don't know what to choose for these secondary characters there are to many options in what I could do and what happens to them and how they react would/could affect my main or other important characters,
    Important things to know is there is a strange living alien like portal in a cave its giving my main characters powers but it can do other things so the things it can do then it is touched are: (the portal can be grabby)
    1. give people abilities (after they get a fever) and it take around 24 hours for powers to manifest
    2.sucks people into it and its unknown what happens to them (til book 3)
    3. some who touch it get possessed by evil warriors/phantom like people/creatures which take 15hours (the host gets a fever) to actually possess them and and they pretend to be their human hosts (their goals are secret)
    4. some don't survive the fever the portal give people and dies, while others survive but lose some memories as a result no powers or phantoms
    so a party is done in the cave and everyone is infected by the portal so about under 40 are infect and one sucked in to it all others escape but two cops come with most teens outside the cave and sent the kids off to the hospital cause they are spouting crazy stuff/freaked out.
    but because they were told someone was still in there went to investigate the cave.
    What do I do with the two cops?

    a)make both disappear and make the other cops and the government people get involve (there are other portals and people who were infected by them around the world, who keep it all top secret, keep that in mind)

    b)make one disappear while the other is
    b1) powered

    c)make them both get fevers where both get fevers and die or one dies the other gets some memory loss but goes around investigating what happened and gets all conspiracy theorist but no-one believe something supernatural is going on
  2. Jane with dyslexic flag

    Jane with dyslexic flag Member

    Apr 2, 2017
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    if I wrote not enough detail, or too much.
    or what I have written is not adequate enough,
    or I have done a mistake please let me know
  3. Toomanypens

    Toomanypens Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Ok, so the way I simplified this in my mind is to view the portal like a venus fly trap
    It gives people powers because this draws a steady food source (like flowers having nectar)
    For some reason this resource needs to be sentient beings? Ones who would desire power?

    The powers given essentially are random? Because it is just bait?

    So maybe the secondary characters are just LESS LUCKY than your main characters, and they have a more realistic view on the downsides and nature of this thing, but don't have powers to do anything about it?
    So the secondary characters add perspective while those given great powers go off and create trouble, only the primary characters staay to listen to secondary characters and thusly start to realisse there is a bigger thing happening than just being given powers. Maybe there is a price being exacted, as this thing devours in this manner, but people arent willing to admit it cuz they personally benifitted,
    So the main characters have to unite people to come to an agreement on this thing, but human nature and greed blows all their attempts up?
  4. Jane with dyslexic flag

    Jane with dyslexic flag Member

    Apr 2, 2017
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    the portal is actually like a sentient being from another world, that another world create it/ the portals.
    that world is alive essentially and is in trouble like its sick and it is trying to create beings to help it hense the giving others powers to those to touch it and why it trying to suck people in to take them to that world.
    however not all people can be power germinated or survive the process.
    and the phantoms/one of the other world's people know that their world is in trouble possibly dying & are using the portal to abandon ship if you will but are not able to transport their bodies they inhabit so they have to possess humans.
    the phantoms are vary intelligent, evil warrior power hungry types who enhance their host bodies with speed and strength and could kill regular humans easily and they can be quite bloodthirsty but first and foremost power is the thing they value and have certain agendas what would not be good should they be realized.
    however many those who touch the portal escape the portal's grasp and just think mostly its something alien and magical.
    the phantoms don't play so much of a big part in book 1 only bits and pieces its more about meeting other powered humans and having to deal with the greed and power hungry humans rich, corrupt, criminals and different agencies who want to get their hands on the powered people, I plan to get more in depth about the phantoms in book 2 and then in book 3 I plan to possibly send some of my main cast to the phantom's world to learn about it and maybe help it and meet those humans who where abducted by the portals.
    so basically I don't intent for my readers to know about the other world, what the portals really are and their true purpose is til around the end of book 2.
    and the reason for the other world to choose humans is because the planet's people and creatures are not compatible to be able to receive the abilities which for some reason humans can.
    the thing is I don't know what do about the cops
    1. make them disappear so the cops and other agencies become interested about the portal and those who might gotten have powers (some agencies and secret government sectors know about those with powers/ abilities a couple have many few under their employ)
    2. make one of the cops disappear/sucked through the portal and have the other witness it and no adult or authority believes him and he tries to investigate and tries to discover the teens secrets (that they have powers) or what they know, and have agencies come later so the kids have some bit of time to learn, understand and practice their powers
    3. have one of the cops become either powered or possessed and the other cop is suspicious of his partner and investigates that partner, while the powered or possessed partner is trying to learn more about what the kids are up to, hounding them, and the agencies come in a bit later.
    WHICH SOUNDS BEST? I can't decided
    I am stuck cause I can't decide.
    hope to hear your opinions :)
  5. Toomanypens

    Toomanypens Member

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I like the one where the partner is possessed
    Cuz if a cop goes missing, thats a big deal, though maybe they start to believe he's killed, but maybe that only works if there is motive.
    Of course you could have them disappear but then why have them in the first place?

    I think the possession is best, cuz it lets you explore those shadow things in detail, and develop them in the cop subplot, readying it to matter in book two or three.
  6. Joe King

    Joe King Member

    Nov 2, 2014
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    Is it possible you could have one of the cops possessed and the other cop be fine. Once that cop becomes a little more suspicious the possessed cop could then kill him/make him disappear? That could be a good way to show what these possessed people are capable of?

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