1. Default

    Default New Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    Plot help!

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by Default, Oct 1, 2017.

    So I wanna write a book, I have for years, I know it is hard, I've watched my mum write her book for many years.
    Anyway, so I have this idea, and yeah maybe it's not amazing, but I'd like to write it anyway.
    A girl runs away from home and joins a group of people who live in an abandoned shopping center.
    It's all based around the dream I had last night (I know it sounds silly) and the song at the bottom of this post.
    My dream was that I climbed out of my bedroom window and over my garden fence, I kept jumping over fences into random people's gardens, I remember that the police were after me, why? I do not know, but I kept going through gardens until I wandered into a city, after walking through the city I stumbled upon a woman she asked me if I was lost to which I replied yes, she then introduced me to her friends and they welcomed me into their group, we then headed to an abandoned shopping center where we headed up the stairs they opened up a panel revealing their hideout, which was a nice place. They were thieves but thieves who only stole to survive.
    That's when I woke up.
    I think I could turn this into a proper book, but I just cannot think of a plot! Any help?
  2. GingerCoffee

    GingerCoffee Web Surfer Girl Contributor

    Mar 3, 2013
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    Ralph's side of the island.
    Looks like you have a setting, and a thread of an idea, but no story. I doubt you are going to find a story by asking in a forum, even a writer's forum. That story has to come from inside you. But it can.

    What is the story you want to tell? What are you passionate about? What is the character you'd write that you haven't found in the books you've read? That's where my story came from.

    What is it about a group of kids living in an abandoned mall that intrigues you? Who are they? Why are they there and not at home? Are they aimless? Does that get them anywhere? Do they find family or more disillusionment? Does anyone look for them or does no one care?
  3. Aled James Taylor

    Aled James Taylor Contributor Contributor

    Sep 7, 2013
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    For a story, I'd think along the lines of:

    1. Problem (why she's running away in the first place).
    2. Working towards a solution (how the people she meets help her).
    3. Solution (resolution of the initial problem).

    You might also like to use the book to illustrate social issue concerning the homeless and how society treats them etc.

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