  1. IndianaJoan

    IndianaJoan New Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Washington State

    Politics and such...

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by IndianaJoan, Oct 17, 2006.

    I sat by as a young person, unimpressed when laws passed requiring children to be seatbelted in. This was a good thing, right? Protecting our children.

    I sat idly by as they passed laws requiring motorcycle riders to wear helmets..this was a good thing..right? Keeps people from endangering their own lives and costing us horrendous amounts of money for their long term care medical bills racked up due to brain damage.

    I sat and listened a little more intently as they spoke of banning cigarettes from the workplace..after all, I worked in a hospital and smoked in the break room during breaks.

    I became enraged when laws passed banning smoking from all places within 20 feet of any door, window or air vent. And I no longer smoke, but it still infuriated me.

    I felt myself fuming when people were instructed they could no longer smoke at ALL, at work OR at home, without being fired from their jobs. They are a health risk to the companies that hire them they said.

    I became furious when people were breathalyzed at work and fired for smoking at home. Fired for smoking period. Yes, its true.

    What is next...what constitutes a health risk? Are you too fat? Is your morbid obesity costing your company money? Is that a Krispy Kreme I smell on your breath? You are fired.
    You have a long term illness? You're diabetic? Im sorry, you will cost the company too much in medical expenses and cause our rates to soar..you're fired..

    I am reminded of a phrase I heard somewhere:

    They came for XYZ but it wasnt me, so I paid them no mind..

    They came for ABC, but it still wasnt me, so I paid them no mind..

    They came for me and there was no one left to defend me..so they took me away too

    All of these laws passed here in America, so many of them sound so reasonable..after all who wants to smell cigarettes or pay for a smokers health care? It makes perfect sense..ban it...

    But i really believe..we are heading closer every day here in America to a dictatorship..

    Any one else have thoughts?

    and PLEASE if you are easily offended, this is not meant to be offensive..just a discussion piece. :)
  2. Milo

    Milo New Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Old London Town
    Yeah, this is a difficult one.
    Not sure is this is a global term, but here in the UK it is referred to as "The nanny state."
    The government says, "hey, we're just protecting you from yourselves."
    I say, "yeah, but who's protecting me from you?"
  3. Laimtoe

    Laimtoe New Member

    Oct 14, 2006
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    St. George, Utah
    In Drivers Ed I was taught that Driving is a privolege, not a right. There's no law that says "you must be allowed your vehicle rights and the ability to be licensed" So -- the seat belt and helmet thing makes sense in that split-hair sort of way.

    I think the smoking idea is stupid. I think that the seperation between smoking and none smoking in a restraunt was a joke though. I think there should have been glass that seperates the two sides... or maybe a wall there, but other than that, I think the complaints about people who smoke are over rated bastards.

    I don't like being around someone who smokes when they smoke, but I have many smoker friends and I see no problem with them doing it.

    But if you think about it -- what you're saying is a little bit libertarian. Possibly weed, nukes, grenades, and rocket launchers should be given to the people... or maybe not.

    I agree about the jelly dohnut thing.

    "Oh I'm a smoker and that's evil and I'm going to die early huh? Well you're a skin sack of fleshy lard and that's a jelly dohnut in your mouth -- how's that helping the company! Want the cookie?" swiped a cookie from the fat boss's desk and dangled it in front of him, then threw it accross the room "Go get it!" (as in fetch) lol.

    I like how you wrote this and I think you should have a dialogue piece with this in a book or short story or something.
  4. lioness1612

    lioness1612 New Member

    Sep 5, 2006
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    Interesting debate. I can see where you are coming from. They just passed a law here, no smoking in your vehicle if a child under twelve years old is in the car with you. This is understandable, considering the health risks to the child. But where is the line between protection and infringment on civil liberties drawn?

    It is quite possible that there will be another prohibition act, reguarding cigarettes... When this happens it will only place cigarettes on the black market, making them easier and cheaper to get. Drugs are sold this way. And as many of you know, easily accessable to all, children included. This to me seems to counteract what they are trying to "protect" us from. People will quit smoking when they are willing and ready, no law will change this. This has been proven time and time again. The jails, are brimming with so many drug abusers that there is no way to house them all. Just imagine the s**t hitting the fan when smoking cigarettes becomes illegal.
  5. IndianaJoan

    IndianaJoan New Member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    Washington State
    Ya..im basically waiting for cigarettes to be illegal..its gonna happen.

    It just shocks me that we seem to be going totally backwards in this country. People are coming up with more and more ways to protect us from ourselves..but in reality there is usually a deeper agenda than just that..dont kid yourself..the US government doesnt care if we destroy ourselves LOL..I think what they care about is votes and what makes em look good..and making it seem like they care about health..make em look good i guess..

    I dont really know..I used to be in the military and I used to be very patriotic..but ive lost my faith..the more this country imposes laws that infringe on my rights..the more i get frightened of whats to come.

    People have smoked for years...my dad used to smoke cheap cigars in the car with us kids and he refused to roll down the window cause he didnt want to mess up his hair ffs! LOL Somehow, despite the cheap cigar smoke, I have managed to live a pretty decent life and so have lots of other people from "back in the day".

    Too much of what a person does privately is becoming everybody elses business..and i think thats very very dangerous for this country.
  6. AllenC

    AllenC New Member

    Oct 24, 2006
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    Mid southern USA
    Everything in America usually ends with the dollar. I’m not a smoker and personally I don’t like it, but firing people just because they smoke is crossing the line.
    I think if people want to smoke they should have that right, and if their employers don’t want to pay the health cost then charge it back to the smoker.

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