Alright this is a weird question but I thought I'd ask out of curiosity. Now that I have my time managed better (slightly) I would like to start reviewing other peoples work. However reading stories off a screen with black text and a white background really kills my eyes. Black backgrounds help, which is what I type on in Word, however when I'm revising my own work I tend to miss a lot of things. I believe this is due to eye strain. So I've starting printing out all my rough drafts for revision. Man have I started catching a lot more things! After after 2-3 revises on the PC I was still missing things. Hell things I've done 3 years ago that were revised about 5-6 time I was still finding things over the years. Reading on paper really allows me to focus on the work since I don't have to frequently divert my eyes, and there's no worries of a headache that makes everything worse. Now my question is would people mind me printing out all their stories for review? I ask because some friends of mine didn't want me to print my own stuff because I was "wasting paper", especially since I use 1.5 spacing. I say I'm "wasting expensive ink" if they don't read my stuff. My dad is constantly printing out reports for business so we fly through paper already. So does anybody mind? Also yeah I find it strange I get eye strain real fast from reading text on screen but I'm usually good for at least an hour when playing a video game lol. Oh and another thing, this site really needs a gray or black background option cause reading these posts kills me eyes!!!!
Quite a few people prefer to print pieces out for critiquing. Some probably even print it out double-spaced, which is how manuscripts have to be submitted. This allows the editor to make notes and editing symbols between lines. Your carbon footprint is between you and your conscience.
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll just print them out if I have the ink. My family has boxes of paper since we can't afford to run out for business reasons. My conscience only seems effected by the pretty spent on the ink cartridges lol. Personally I never liked double spacing, it's like too much space for me to get lost in lol I prefer single spaced for reading and 1.5 for editing.
If I am reviewing other work, I will usually ask if a copy past from the forum is Ok with the author so that i can then import the piece to my writing program where I have a soothing page color / text color combo already set up. As for hard copies.... I do also occasionally print out hard copies, but for other reasons. I do it because I did once experience Catastrophic PC Failure. If not for the pin drive I had been using for back up I would have been up the Fecal River without mode of propulsion. Anyway, the event let me know that technology can fail. Hence, hardcopy backups.
Haha that's a good point. I haven't had a PC failure in years, but just in cast most important documents are on multiple computers and jump drives. After i am finished reviewing I will most likely destroy the hard copy because it's just going to take up space.
In all fairness the tree has already been cut down, and was going to be cut down anyway, might aswell make use of it while you can.
Whatever works best for you is what you should be doing. Have you been to see someone about your eyes? maybe that might help
When my glasses fall off I'm like that chick from scooby do lol I've got friends that won't let me print my stories for them because they don't want me to waste the paper To make matter they only communicate through facebook. I'm not creating a facebook page/account just to send out manuscripts, what ever happened to email? lol
I agree with you on this one Fox, I cannot understand the point behind facebook or myspace(In fact the only reason I have a myspace is to keep in touch with family) to send out manuscripts. I sometimes wonder what happened to good old fashioned paper and pencil(or pen depending on your preference). As for the waste of paper thing, I'm a writer and an artist, my sister writes fanfics for anime and collects pictures of her favorite character, my mother prints out all these crazy stories on the news and the other members of my family seems to find the worst uses for paper, so personally, I believe your "waste of paper" is more nature friendly than I can claim.
I have two band myspaces, but no personal spaces. If you are a band and don't have a myspace you are either not a very smart band or don't take yourself seriously lol I just want to go back to email. It's more professional and reliable. Yeah I think printing out a manuscript that I intend to publish is an excellent use of my printer which my family as a whole rarely uses. The only other thing we use it for is when my dad needs to print out reports for review, which is quite often but important. Occasionally I'll print out lyrics to a song but I'm a singer lol
Well this same goes for me, I prefer to read in paper rather in digital as I could bring the reading material anywhere, and without worrying prying eyes at my Laptop or Ipod But the thing about printing is that it really consumes my budget for buying Printing inks and papers. As for that, I only print when I'm really desperate, rich(Well pay day and monthly allowance) and when my PC's monitor starts to rebel against its master's orders.
The right to print out an electronically distributed story is not one which requires permisiion, with the exception of materials distributed under a confidentiality agreement that specifically limits those rights. As long as you are printing it solely for your own use, and you have NOT signed any explicit contract restricting you from creating hardcopies, you do not need the author's permission to print a copy. The burden lies upon you not to redistribute the piece, electronically or in hardcopy, but that is all.
The question was strictly ecological. I have friends that won't let me print out my manuscripts for them. I'm not worried about authors coming over to look at my hard drive, I'd probably escort them to the end of my driveway Personally I think authors should be flattered that I use my expensive printer ink to assist them
I find printing the copies works much much better than just simply going through it on the computer. You are able to see the mistakes much better than on the computer. Plus you tire after one hour os constantly gawking at the screen...