Perhaps some of you might also have this problem, and perhaps others can share possible solutions. For my last two books, I had a plot all laid out (in my mind and on paper). So-and-so was going to do this, then this would happen, etc. I drew up rough outlines and all that jazz. However, my characters simply would not keep to the outline or plot I had premeditated. They barely kept at all within their premeditated character. They just took over and made a completely new storyline. So, for my next book, should I even bother with premeditated plot? Or would you suggest just starting with the main idea and letting it go where it will? Any other suggestion/similar problem/helpful solution is also welcome.
I'd say let it go...que sera sera and all that And if you stick within a rigid plot you could squeeze the life out of the whole story, just see what happens
Don't confuse plot with storyline. If you concentrate on plot, you can adjust the motivartions and the opposition to make sure the character progresses toward the goal - but not too easily. If you are thinking instead of storyline alone, you need to arrange the plaots to bring the characters along from the starting point to the goals that will lead them from event to event. Please read this thread about What is Plot Creation and Development?
I love how new age some of you guys are If your characters aren't under your some books on parenting difficult children? I don't know. I mean they're just words. They do what you want. You tell your MC to jump off a cliff and he does it, it's not a two-way thing. At least it never is with me. I have characters, and they're nice people, but they do what I want, how I want it, when I want it, because that's how I write it. You are the only intelligent one involved, you know....
My theory: Stick with a premediated plot and modify it as you see fit as you go along. You need some sort of skeleton to work with - if you're like me, you might just stop writing altogether until you can see a clear direction for the plotline you've got going - but you shouldn't stick only to that if you're overflowing with ideas! And what people mean when they say characters are "making the story themselves" is that the ideas just come out differently than they did in one's head.
I agree 100%. However, the characters still have to perform in a manner reflective of their personalities.