I can put this bluntly: I want a job. But now the opportunity has arrived for me to work at my local Wal-Mart, I'm not sure I want one. It is the highest-paying job that accepts anyone under the age of 18 around here. I just have so much on my hands at this time in my life, and I'm not sure if I can handle a real job right now. I'd be working a lot, because within the next year or so, I need a lot of money, so I can go abroad with my French class next year. I need the money, but I'm not sure I have the time. I am taking hard classes this semester and most likely will be going through summer school so I can get all my classes that I need done by my senior year. I'm not sure what I should do about this, whether I should go for it, or whether to wait. Advice is appreciated...
Wal-Mart was my first job. I worked 30 hours a week during school and full time during summer break plus a lawn mowing route and other seasonal work. I'm glad I did now if that's any help to you. gar
I know how much it sucks having all this on your plate now... but like you said, you'd like to go abroad and you need money. Maybe busting your butt is worth those things. If you're not completely sure of your decision, you're going to hate working, or not working depending on what you choose. Just make sure you're happy with it! And good luck! b
our capabilities tend to expand with our needs and desires, so if you really want to do all that, i'm sure you'll be able to hack it... many before you have done all that and more... and many who come after you will, too...
I wouldn't turn down ANY job, especially at the moment. Not just for the money, but the experience and possibly meeting people or situations that you could use in a story one day. Whenever I have been overloaded, I just think - there's 24 hours in a day, I sleep for 8 - so that really leaves plenty... Looks good on your CV too.
Well I took the big step today, passed my assessment, which is GREAT, lifted my spirits amazingly high. Lets just hope I get the job! *crosses her fingers*
Good luck! I hope you get it. And I agree with mammamaia-if it's something you really put your mind to, working and going to school will be no problem. I've worked at the very least 35-40 hours a week, usually more, on top of full-time school since I turned 16, and I'm still here to tell the tale, so it's possible!
Just make sure you don't put yourself under any pressure you can't handle. If at any point you feel it's really getting too much, talk about it. Maybe discuss it with your boss. He/She'll be understanding. Good luck with getting the job.
No reason you can't try. Give it a few weeks. See if you can handle it. If you have a decent supervisor, I'm sure they will allow you to reduce your hours. These days, there are so many people out of work that they would have no trouble filling in all the open spaces.
Senior year of high school I quit my job at city council (I could not STAND my boss, neither could the other two teenagers working there), and got a job at Wal*Mart. I ended up working there for two years; I balanced school and work, it went okay. At first it was a little hectic, just because my previous jobs didn't demand as much.... attention. I started off only working about 18 hours, but that was just how that store in particular was run (they start you off with a bit of hours and then you work your way up), but by the time I had my first eval, which was 3 months into the job, they wanted to give me fulltime. I don't think you should start off with too many hours. Trust me, the job will wear you down very quickly... not even physically, but as far as in your whole outlook on the job, lol. Especially with school and your personal life! btw, do you know what position/department you're going for?