1. NoGoodNobu

    NoGoodNobu Contributor Contributor

    Sep 19, 2016
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    Reason to suddenly avoid Faerie

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by NoGoodNobu, Mar 9, 2017.

    So I realized I ran to a snag.

    Two characters that end up together by the conclusion of the story really only interact with each other for the equivalent of several hours in the very beginning.

    Initially, two girl friends (early 20s) jokingly try to picnic on a faerie mound and in actuality end up in Faerie. There they meet the fae Lesley (think elf of romance, not diminutive land spirit), accept shelter from him, and then break the first taboo of names (in weaseling out his then volunteering their own back guiltily). On arriving back, the two spooked by their success agree never to return (which inevitably they also break).

    Unfortunately that one time is the only interaction between he & Kaz. Which is absurd—it reduces any potential feelings to passing fancy at best.

    I hadn't noticed, because Lesley was active & interacting the entirety of the story—but only with the other female protag, Othelia, in her quest to rescue Kaz (meanwhile & elsewhere Kaz is being alternately hindered then helped by another fae on her quest to rescue Othelia).

    So I've decided it only makes sense to have the girls return several times after their first adventure to Faerie world.

    But now I'm hard pressed to find a reason for the girls suddenly agreeing it's too risky to go back to Faerie after returning to screw around so frequently. Something has to trigger the shift, but I'm drawing a blank to what sort of event would change perception of Faerie as all fun & games to all games, not all of which are fun.

    And to be aware, the taboo of names is broken twice—both basically in the beginning, the taboo of food is broken in the middle, and near the end Kaz violates her particular geis/geas.

    Now I'm not asking for people to provide detailed solutions for me, although you are welcome to write as specifically or detailed as you like. I'm just looking for suggestions or differing points of view to help spark my own imagination.

    I appreciate all contributions〜
  2. Cave Troll

    Cave Troll It's Coffee O'clock everywhere. Contributor

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Where cushions are comfy, and straps hold firm.
    You can have things look nice on the surface of the Faerie world, and then
    have the much darker side slowly start to unravel the Utopian surface.
    Just because something seems perfect on the outside, does not mean that
    it cannot be rotten at the core. Perhaps your Faeries be two-faced toward
    the girls, by being nice and kind only to be plotting something horrible
    against them when they are not there.

    Or you can have it all be an elaborate illusion that they come to realize
    that the entire time they were trying to escape into a world that is much
    more pleasant. All the while the reality is the one that is terrible, much
    like how a victim of violence retreats into a fantasy world to cope and
    escape the reality of the world with which they live in.

    Good luck, with this piece. :)
  3. NoGoodNobu

    NoGoodNobu Contributor Contributor

    Sep 19, 2016
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    Thank you for your advice.

    Faerie is definitely a world of equally exquisite pain as of pleasure—it presents nothing by halves. As Tolkien says "Faërie: the Perilous Realm itself" possesses "beauty that is an enchantment, and an ever-present peril; both joy and sorrow as sharp as swords."

    An act of benevolent kindness could be a curse, and malevolent intent can cause a blessing. The real is not apparent and the apparent often isn't real. The way of the fae is the way of paradox, which is what makes it so equal parts fascinating and dangerous.

    The girls know all this in their heads, the same way most know intellectually our lungs are necessary for living. It's just that sort of knowledge where the truth of it really doesn't become real to you until you suddenly can't breathe.

    I'm just not sure what the catalyst is that makes the risks more real to them, what event can solidify theoretical comprehension through some experience.

    It can't be traumatic—because it isn't bad enough that they'd actually stand by their word to keep away, but just enough that they'd readily agree it's best not to return.

    Most likely it's something where they are more concerned about eacher other's welfare than for themselves.

    Just got figure out what precisely might spook my fillies~
  4. Willoby

    Willoby New Member

    Mar 14, 2017
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    Maybe they have dreams about returning, or can get a special gift everytime they return. Like the ability to intimidate a boss or get the attention of a guy they like.

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