Resident Character's Within Third Earth Blackthorne King Victor Arcadius the 1st Queen Annabelle Arcadius Lord General Ryden Hauser, Commander of Blackthornes Army High Priest Cromotis Captain Isabelle Colcorte Kiersten Jeremiah Cestus Lord High Knight Sigismund High Knight Maximus High Knight Selena High Knight Rysone Cyril Dane Kromoriah King Leoric Sedirae Queen Scarlett Sedirae Princess Evelyn Princess Lexie Prince Thracian Lord Seth Lord General Garviel Targost High Priest Asmodia Captain Tiberius Kalyn Devanport Trajan Zekeal Saloninus Carina Kronas Regent Logan Lion Khan Lady Regent Ivona Khan Lord Sahaal, Commander of the Army of Kronas Captain Tarja Tunney Captain Ferremore Skraal Haegre Bjorne High Priest Conaught Dramakar Dwarfs King Melgator The long Beard General Hogarn The Bear Hug Captain Dwenrid Branigan Borikk Wizards Of Light High Wizard and Head of the Order Of Light, Zoreth Tyrus Herrocorte Demmicare, the red Elven Realm Iyandan High King Ornathalas Sentikan Ithrythra Kythera Elven Realm Ulthwus Farseer, Kolvar Innovindil Nakiasha Captain, Xarhlan Scout, Valmaxian Wood Elves Of Wyan Haim Queen of Wyan Haim Woods Gylledha Captain Of The Stalkers Yalanilue Captain Of The Woodland Rangers Seiveril Captain of the Swords Rothilion Champion To The Queen Corym Nueleth Shialaevar Dark Elves Lord, Sythaeryn Witch Queen Soora Xharlion Incubi, Irhaal Wyrd, Verrona Gabolisir Zhuirentel The Master Captain Traeliorn Orcs General Ullk Uzz Tooth Urg Wang The Arsonist Dag Wodra Toad People Flipp Ry Ellfo The Wizards of The Order The Black Rose Lord Dark Wizard, Kytholas Fenreesh The Order Of the Black Witches The Dark Queen Korianna Adellia Mortenius Sirenia Realm Of Darkness The Dark Lord Argamoth Lord Damakus Lady Evangeline Kravex Cindaar Mia Velcotta Warriors Of Rogarth Lord Of Rogarth Lucius Lord General Sydor Captain Aximal Other Characters. HellBrectt Severina Hawkeye Crag Spider Abigail Dorsen Cryoteck .