This post should not even be necessary, but apparently not everyone is clear on how respect toward other members applies to giving repurtation points. There have been numerous posts and threads about the Reputation system. In nearly every such thread, we have pointed out that there is probably no good reason for giving negative rep on this site. There is nothing respectful about leaving an anonymous remark and a rep point reduction because you don't like what someone said in a post. It is spiteful and cowardly. So it comes down to this: If you have a legitimate complaint about something that has been posted, use the option or contact the moderators or the site administrator directly. The moderators are forwarding a request to Daniel to disable negative rep giving completely, but that requires a change in the forum software or configuration, and we aren't sure when or if he will be able to implement it. We won't be going around checking everyone's rep points. But if we get a complaint about negative rep, we will act on it. Please note that this has been the standing policy for quite some time anyway. We have rarely had to act on this policy, and wish to keep it that way.