I know a lot of people on the forums are around my age group and it was results day for the AS/A2 level exams taken in January, so has anyone got any results to share? I got: History - A overall and A in each module French - A overall and A in each module Spanish - B overall, with 2 A grades and a D ICT - B overall with 2 Bs and a C I'm not very pleased with spanish so i'm hoping to take that again in the summer. I got almost full marks on both written papers and then got a D on the oral, which I wholly blame on my tonsillitus as I could barely speak come the test Still, a B despite the D is pretty impressive. Pleased with the rest
Lol yeah it is. I'm suprised that nobody else has results to sure 'coz i'm sure that other people do A levels here. Mind you, most people will have either already sat their exams last June or be doing them this June. There were quite a few I couldn't sit last June so i'm only just getting my overall grades. I'm still dissappointed by my Spanish Oral and ICT results, but then i'm negative like that...
I personally have no idea what AS/A2 exams are. I presume they are the equivalent of America's SAT's? (and just because we come to this site, doesn't necessarily mean we do well in school )
Ermmm... possibly? They're the final exams we take in england before university. We take AS exams in Year 12 (aged 16/17) and A2 exams in Year 13 (aged 17/18). Grading: A,B,C,D,E and then U which is ungraded
Oh, it sounds like standardized testing in the United States. In Idaho, we have ISAT testing, which you must pass to graduate. Then, if you want to go on to college, you take either the ACT or the SAT. Most places seem to focus on the SAT, but in Idaho I took the ACT to get into college. Oh, and congratulations on your scores. I had to drop Spanish earlier this Semester. It just wasn't working out. ¿No habla espanol en la mesa? I can't remember too much...
Canada at least Ontario doesn't have exams like that. you get exams just after christmas and then again in June. but your marks are certainly nothing to sneer at. Congratulations.
Lol aww my Spanish comes and goes Nah i'm just lucky, i'm lazy as anything but languages come easily. Somethings I find impossible though, like math *shudder* Lol... I guess I should be pleased but i'm too much of a perfectionist. Thanks everyone
well put, comrade i think your results are great Kit. congratulations! we do the same back in my home country, although when i did it i got b's and c's
Yeah, but i'm sure you were proud of them. I know people don't always look at it this way but some people could put in all the effort they possibly could and get a C or a D or an E whilst somebody else could not even try for the exam and still get an A. That's why... if you really try and still get a "low" grade then you should be proud of it. Some people will not get As so to them, achieving a low grade which is still the highest they personally can achieve should be an achievement - even though that's not how it works in the world of employment or university.
oh i was proud as hell i understand what you're saying. i was just amused about the fact that i never realised what valianceinend said until i read it. it was pretty weird for me. dont know if u understand????