I feel a bit awkward starting a discussion about an author that I haven't yet read, but... For anyone unfamiliar with him, he writes the Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, and 39 Clue novels. Obviously, this man has mastered writing children's books. I'll be surprised if, in five years, he hasn't sold 25 million books. And, at some point he could possibly end up outselling J. K. Rowling. For anyone that has read these books, is his writing good? Is there anything that can be learned from his writing (aside from the topics he writes about)? I've skimmed through a couple of chapters of his first novel and I was very unimpressed. Thanks,
He's not a stylish writer, but he's a really good storyteller. Reading any novel can provide a learning experience--picking up the good and identifying the bad.
i read the first book before the movie came out, and i thought he was great at conveying the voice of a preteen protagonist. i cared about percy more than i ever cared about harry potter, and some of the things he said actually made me laugh. the series was based on greek mythology, though, and eventually i got tired of mythical greek creatures constantly making "unexpected" appearances.
It seemed a bit corny from the start, but his books are incredibly addictive. I've already eaten my way through the existing books in all three of his series.
He's a very good storyteller like Marina said. All of his characters have very distinct voices and it's very easy to grow attached to them. The Percy Jackson series is one of my favorites series to be honest and I really love the companion series he's writing (The Heroes of Olympus) as well. He's very good as writing books for young kids that can easily translate to adults and teens. As for the mythology part-he really knows what he talking about and therefore blends the myths with the present day really really well which makes it very interesting and fun to read. He may not be the most talented writer in the world, but in my opinion he is a good writer