I just started reading the "wheel of time" series by Robert Jordan and I like it so far. I'm on the second book. Anyone read this series?
I hate to say it, but don't start reading it yet. He still isn't done writing the bloody series, and it looks like there could be another 10 books. It starts of very well. But at about book 5 it really slows down. By book 7 it's crawling. Instead of each book being at least several months long, the last one I read was a single week. It's so depressing because it was an excellent series.
I thought he only had one more to write...? Although he does seem to be taking his sweet time with it
It's like a highway construction job in Massachusetts. You know what they call a road construction project in Massachusetts? A career.
Well I wouldn't put it down entirely, just wait until he's actually finished writing the bloody series. It will save you a lot of grief. I started reading it when I was 15, I'm 26 now and he's only written like 4 new books.
"The Wheel of Time Turns, and ages come and pass leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again." *sigh* I read that 4 years ago ... and I still remember it. I personally couldn't get past the first few chapters of the first book. A bit too fantastical for my liking.
I bought the first book, discovered there were another ten after it, all of round about equal size, and considering I have a very average reading speed, I never opened the book