Hello fellow writers, I have Created this thread to help myself and challenge you. Your challenge, some may call a game, is to scientifically prove the ability posted above your post. After doing so, post a ridiculous ability of your own. You can look up the semi-useless super powers thread for reference if you want. To explain the rules, you can bend the laws of physics slightly if need be. You can only bend laws to a certain point though. I will start you off. The ability to hover
Hmm, really strong magnets, one on your feet, one on the ground, both on South pole so they repel? The ability to triple jump
Hop in a spaceship and travel at a significant fraction of the speed of light. Ability: Teleportation.
Build a spaceship from stolen parts(steal these from owens spaceship) and fly to the vengar system. Speak to the mayor of the Uchguha tribe who has the secret whereabouts of the hyper active warping slug. Rub yourself all over with its alien cellular replacment slime and haye presto teleport back to earth. (The slug slime reacts with your nervous system which triggers an increase in nuero activity. This gives the capability of using one hundred percent of the brains functions. Which in turn enables cellular teleportation.) Ability: Mouse Manipulation
Surgically implant tiny micro chips into the brains of thousands of mice, after capturing them with the alluring scent of peanut butter and cheese. Then, breed these mice to see their parents obeying your every command and soon you will have a new race of totally obedient mice at your command!! The world is yours! Ability: The Ability to turn anything into a frog.
Drink tons of beer and Inject yourself with hundreds of iron, until your body becomes extremely solid. Then run through the wall, until you break through. Then black out on the other side. Ability: Walking through walls.
Cut a hole in walls big enough for yourself and using visual perspective to trick your audience. Ability: To turn everything/body I touch into a laughing cow
Implant Radioactive Cow DNA into them so they become Cow-Man, then tell them a funny joke. Ability: Turn every cat I look at into pink flowers that give off a smell of potassium cyanide.
Wear a full face mask with augmented reality that automatically replaces cats with a pot of flowers, and carry a vial of potassium cyanide with you everywhere, sniffing it whenever you see a pink flower. Ability: Transform yourself into a giant block of cheese
That's easy, break into a cheese manufacturer. Hide in a vat of milk (wear a snorkel) and wait until it has been turned into cheese. Ability: Turn the world into 2d.
Run everything over with a steamroller. That or wear an eye patch. Hey, it's technically true. Ability: Instantly be able to replicate any action you see someone perform
It was on the show Heroes therefore it must be true. Ability - Be able to "throw" your consciousness into another body.
Implant an electronic transmitter streamlining into your brain, so that you can send your thoughts, ideas, and actions into the other person's body. Ability- Rapid Healing and Regeneration
I have two solutions to this. First, the least probable one. 1. Develop nano machines capable of rapidly rebuilding your body cell by cell. 2. Inject self with nanites. 3. ???? 4. Profit. And now for the most feasible one. Duct tape. Get cut? Duct tape it to stop the bleeding. Lose a hand? Lob one off an unsuspecting passerby and duct tape it to your stump. Decapitated? Have a friend(a good friend, who can keep a secret) lob the head off the same passerby(no need for senseless slaughter), who is now anything but unsuspecting, and duct tape your head to his body. Ability - Super strength.
Learn how to Montage, then use this ability to condense years of training and scientific development into a few short cutscenes. Start your montage after breakfast and you'll be super-strong by lunch. Ability: Ability to Montage
Invent a time machine with an awesome 80's soundtrack. Then appear in every park, gym, recreational facility, and disco bar in the city of new york simultaneously over the course of one morning. And there you have it... the ability to montage. Ability to fly in space without a suit.
...You don't "fly" in space, you float. Flying within an atmosphere is glorified swimming, depending on what physicist you ask. SURVIVING in space without a suit? You ejected all liquids from your body, turning yourself into a dry husk and effectively entering stasis until you find a habitable environment. There is literally a creature capable of doing it. I think it's the bear louse or something like that. Ability: Fireproof.
Solution: Create a vacuum around you; remove all oxygen around you and fire won't be able to spread to you. Sure, you won't be able to breathe, but essentially it becomes the "Space Suit" solution from there. Ability: Shapeshifting
Get caught in a solar storm similar to the one which Mr. Fantastic was in. Ability: creating Black Holes