So I'm playing a scrabble game against my cousin on facebook. We are very competitive. I am a heap of points behind and it's close to the end of the game. I need some help to see if I can get the game winning word. Please help me My letters are: M, E, E, R, I, G, and a blank. I'm trying to fit them into the following. _ _ _ D _ _ _ _ Three spaces, D, four spaces. Please put your minds to work. What can you get...... Thank you sooo much in advance
It's too bad you have to include a letter that's already on the board, or you could totally spell regime... all I could think of was reed. But I just got off work after a hellacious day...and really I kind of suck at scrabble.
Your letters stink. Too many vowels = not enough points. I am a competive Scrabble player as well. Merge, emerge, grim, grime.
Mercurial, you forgot the D anchor. Yeah, I tried to keep letter points into account too, although I don't have them memorized. Nobody among my family or friends plays Scrabble with me anymore.
Me either. But that's not because I'm good, it's because I cheat. It was one time! I guess people don't forget...
Since you can't make many points with those letters, take a turn-pass and exchange half the tiles, retaining E, I & R.
DARNIT! Well, in that case I can see dime, ridge, or grid. No one likes to play games with me anymore either. I'm an ultracompetitive Scrabble, Uno, and poker player.
I always lose at Scrabble. I don't have a problem with vocabulary. It's just that, once I get all my letters, I get stuck on a word that I really want to put on the board. And I spend the whole game trying to put down that one word, and end up doing horrible. Trivial Pursuit, though. I'm awesome at Trivial Pursuit. Oh man, a Trivial Pursuit thread would be awesome. But...cheating is too easy on the Internet.