I'm not sure where to put this, as it involves Screenwriting but isn't a critique, it's a question. I haven't written in a while and I'm trying to get back by working on some of my Screenplays, however I'm a little rusty and am in need of an answer. When you're using a location and have two characters in different areas, do you use CUT TO: or just the location of the area. My two characters are in some mine caves on different levels and I'm not sure if it should like like this example: CHARACTER A Alright, just come out now and I won't hurt you! CHARACTER A raises her hands in the air. CHARACTER A (Cont) See? MYSTERIOUS FIGURE steps out of the shadows. MINE CAVES CHARACTER B is clutching his foot, wincing at the pain. Or if I should use: CHARACTER A Alright, just come out now and I won't hurt you! CHARACTER A raises her hands in the air. CHARACTER A (Cont) See? MYSTERIOUS FIGURE steps out of the shadows. CUT TO: INT - MINE CAVES - NIGHT CHARACTER B is clutching his foot, wincing at the pain. I'm pretty sure I don't have to use a CUT TO: but I'm not positive, because they're pretty far away from each other and the distance isn't as short as let's say, the bedroom and the living room.