if you're asking about a screenplay, you have to query agents with a well-written query letter that includes a killer logline... and must have an industry standard synopsis ready to send, if/when requested... for tv, in the us it's virtually impossible if you're not already working in the industry, or have a good track record as a screenwriter and an agent with golden connections to networks/producers... it may be easier in canada, but i have no solid knowledge of the industry up there... for the stage, you get someone to produce the play... you don't really 'sell' a script other than listing it with samuel french and hoping someone will want to pay you a royalty to stage it...
That doesn't tell us anything. Ask yourself what you want to do with this script, whom you would sell it to -- then follow mama's advice.
I wrote a movie script based on my personal story about depressed married woman who is cheating on her husband because she is tired of money problems and inability to fix them. She starts secretly see her coworker, who helps her emotionally and financially, but later he gets in a car accident and pushes her to make a decision to be with him or with her selfish husband. I used to write in Russian language, I am from Russia. I think there is more opportunities for writing in English. Only want to know where to find this agents and what to send: full script or just story line.
i told you want to send... read my post again... as for agents, i have several good agent listings i'll be glad to send you if you drop me an email... but before you start querying agents, you must be sure your script is in the proper hollywood format and that the script and the query letter, logline, and synopsis are all in good english, or no one will even bother reading any of it... judging from the grammar flaws in your second post, i have to wonder if they are...