When your involved in writing a novel or other fictional piece and concieve the plot or basic concept for a story that can't be incorporated into your current project, what do you do? I generally just take a few basic notes and make a Word file on the idea and work on it whenever I feel tired of working on my novel.
Well, currently I'm working in two different projects. A fantasy one and a sci-fi one. I already finished all the background info and characters and I'm ready to start my fantasy story, but I'm now starting to develop the sci-fi one (which I thought of in a physics class xD)
My separate ideas which can't fit into a current story are always in the form of a different story of its own anyway, so there's never any trouble for me keeping them separated. I guess I just take it for granted that this is natural for me. I also don't tend to forget ideas for an entire story. Once in a while I'll forget a lesser idea that takes place within the story, but not the main story idea itself, even if it's new. Again, this is just normal for me. I don't tend to take down notes on such things because they just sit and gestate in my head until they're ready to be written. It's hard to forget something that's always around. If it's a smaller idea to take place within a larger story then I might note it down. But usually not. Maybe this is so easy for me because I work on lots of different things at once as a matter of course...?
I jump projects. I find it hard to work on just one at a time anyway. I alternate between at least two stories.
My biggest issue is that the majority of my projects are of novel-length and some of the historical content can get confusing when hoping between several, so I tend to do them in order to preserve my focus. The worst part is when your involved in a project and you have a really good idea for a future one, but really want to finish the current one.