1. ohmiyoni

    ohmiyoni New Member

    Feb 28, 2021
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    North Bay, CA
    Currently Reading::
    Everybody Has a Podcast But You by the McElroy Brothers

    Show-Don't-Tell Characters of a Different Species?

    Discussion in 'Character Development' started by ohmiyoni, Feb 28, 2021.

    Howdy! How would you as the author show-don't-tell a character that isn't human? I'm looking for two answers, here. One is describing how you would go about it....... and one is showing-don't-telling your way of going about it :p

    Being legitimately curious as well as attempting to practice, I'll go first:

    Hal peered down at her, a tiny bundle of fury shaking with pressure. Like a boil about to pop. "You're a-"
    Emmeryn snapped, "A what? A prude? A hag? A witch?"
    "... A frog."

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