Does anyone know any good sites with a great deal of information about all kinds of mythology? Specifically I'm wanting to look through objects for inspiration and Wikipedia just doesn't provide enough. I found one of interest, but without its own page -- The Ring of Mudarra. It supposedly heals it's owner of blindness. It's mentioned in a poem, but I can't read it (stupid Spanish, why couldn't they write in English like everyone else...) Thanks in advance to anyone who can point me in an appropriate direction.
Seriously, just google things. You don't have to even search for, like, "mythology site" or whatever. Just pick a mythological keyword and there are enough sites out there claiming to have all information evar on mythology that you'll find a dozen from their definitions of whatever you searched for. I tend to go for slightly obscure Celtic gods in my search title, since if they have those they generally have everything
Google!!! and keep your eyes peeled for 'crystal's site... it's probably the most comprehensive one around...
This is a good one for Native American legends. It's indexed by the name of the ethnicity: A good book for Greek mythology is the D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths--I read it when I was 11, so the prose isn't real complex and it's illustrated nicely, but the info has really stayed with me. It's a nice basic guide to most of the famous Greek and Roman myths. I regret that I don't know a website. that's the most comprehensive compendium of things mythological and otherwise uber-natural you'll find anywhere...
Also, check project Gutenberg. I'm pretty sure Bullfinch's Mythology (at least some editions of it) are in the public domain and available there. That's a fairly detailed source.