Basically, I'm currently at a point in my story that I'm not so excited about. Thus, my writing is progressing rather slowly. Soon, though, I will get to the scene that I have been waiting my entire writing to do, and the part I need to write now is a nessesary part of the plot. Now, do you think it is smart to skip over to the part I'm excited about writing, and return to the slow part later?
Write whatever you have inspiration for - your writing usually comes out best when you're inspired It's more of a personal preference whether you wanna write strictly chronologically or not. However, if you're genuinely bored by the scene you're currently writing, are you sure you need it? Or if you need it, are you sure you're approaching it from the right angle? In my experience, if the author is bored writing it, that's a huge red flag that something is wrong.