1. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    This Is a Genuine Question( not for the faint hearted)

    Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Cacian, Jan 17, 2012.

    I keep coming cross readers expressing their needs to be 'scared' when reading books.
    I am no actually understanding the concept and this is really tricking me.

    I read for pleasure and relaxation.
    I don't look for gory/rude/abusive material to scare my self with then declare my read or the book as a success.

    Am I missing something?
  2. Random Gerbil

    Random Gerbil New Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    your missing variety.

    i listen to this lovely song aura from time to time, its incredibly relaxing. i also listen to more.... energetic music, makes me want to go for a walk. i also listen to, angry music? XD helps me vent my emotions.

    i don't see why reading couldn't do the same, reading to be scared doesn't seems odd to me. the most vivid memory i have of reading as a child was from scary books, granted not the most interesting. i also remember a study of some sort that showed people remember details far better when its disturbing imagery. maybe it just gets them more mentally involved when it scares them?
  3. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    what variety? People get scared all the time and I know it is not a very nice feeling. Feeling scared provoke anxieties and nightmares and leaves one traumatised and even depressed and most of those who experience scary moments seek medication for the rest of their lives.

    I work the opposite way...I don't listen of anger in order to vent my emotions. I calm and go out to the fresh air , write or talk to friends about my emotions in order to get it out of my chest.
    you put your finger on it" NOT INTERESTING!
    I would not dream of reading gory material to my kid because I know it will leave scarred.
    It is as simple as that. I don't jump off a cliff because I know I might hurt myself big time. The same with a book I don't read gory in case I scarr myself.
    so if one does not walk into a middle of a busy road because they know they might get hurt then why do it with a book?
  4. Random Gerbil

    Random Gerbil New Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    yeah. i mean, i guess?

    that first line was a bit of a joke, not very good it seems.

    i suppose the quickest answer is, its not about you? its about them. what works for them. you have to approach it from a different perspective. the fact that you don't understand it, but you obviously seek to, means you should probably push aside your ideas of why its bad. and try to understand why others think its good?

    its a thrill, a rush. i remember as a kid, reading something particularly scary, and every page was a struggle. and yet i kept going back to it. my heart was racing and every detail made me stop to process it, as nothing else afforded me the ability to continue. i was very much involved in the moment. i can recall plenty of memories that aren't wonderful and full of joy. but they are there and they made me who i am. i don't shun them. to this day H.P lovecraft is one of my favorite authors. it doesn't scare me anymore, but its still a thrill.
  5. Protar

    Protar Active Member

    May 11, 2011
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    People do actually enjoy being frightened, providing they're not in any actual danger. Fear creates a rush of chemicals and adrenaline which can be quite thrilling. It's the same with other emotions. Are you saying you'd never read a book with sad parts in it too? A story with nothing but happy parts would be incredibly boring.
  6. cari_za

    cari_za New Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    South Africa
    Fear releases endorphins.
  7. Random Gerbil

    Random Gerbil New Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    i agree with this and I'm surprised i forgot to mention something similar in my post.

    your comparison of not wishing to walk into a busy road, thus not wishing to read about it isn't particularly valid. you read what you like i suppose. but I've never asked myself if i would reasonably do whatever the book described, had it done to me, or others. its just a book. ._.

    PS. i mentioned a part about having read other things that were more interesting. i read a variety of different things, because it does different things for me. and im perfectly ok with that. i have my interest, but ill deviate from them every once in a while, for a little... variety. :/
  8. prettyprettyprettygood

    prettyprettyprettygood Active Member

    Sep 8, 2011
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    As others have said, fear gives an adrenaline rush, like riding a rollercoaster- some love it others hate it, to each their own :)
  9. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    sure it is not about me and yes the world is made out of differences and similarities and I guess I am different to those who seek thrill via scary/gruesome sorts.
    very well put but my interest in it is not about trying to condemn as being bad but trying to get to the core of why 'bad is good.'
    it is a human nature to seek thrills and to seek is safely otherwise there is no point. I guess I seek thrills in other ways like skiing and that gives me plenty of adrenaline but I make sure I am safe and that my mental and physique are not affected long term otherwise I won't be able to seek it anymore.

    that is actually what I was trying to get to and youput it perfectly well.
    The reason why I am not getting it is because of this 'I am not scared anymore'.
    Sometimes you need to know what danger means in order to avoid it, if you are now saying you are not scared of it then you might well find yourself in a difficult sticky situation because you did not oversee the danger.
    This is just an opinion hence my dislike of gruesome stuff.
  10. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    outdoor excercise like running/swimming and skiing as well as cycling releases endorphins and you get fit as well.
    getting the same endorphins sitting on a couch on your own deos not appeal to me.
  11. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    a story can have various twists and meanings and does not need fear or gruesomness to appeal.
    I can think of billions of ways to enjoy a story and the one that stands out the most for me is the one that leaves a smile on my face.
    A story that I will only read once and enjoy thoroughly without having to go back to it.
    True each to their own.
  12. Lemex

    Lemex That's Lord Lemex to you. Contributor

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Northeast England
    Being scared is fun. And good scary novels often have other emotions/characters that are well put across - they have to to make the scary parts really scary.
  13. cari_za

    cari_za New Member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    South Africa
    Well for someone that is addicted to scary things they probably invert the reasoning. "I get endorphins from sitting on my own on a couch, getting endorphins from physical exertion does not appeal to me." :p

    But I'm with you, I also prefer a good jog or climb session over a creepy movie. Reality has enough scariness as it is.

    I was actually having a similar discussion with someone the other day, and we were sharing our views on how mundane life can get. If you're full time employed you're looking at a holiday once a year, till then there's just the routine. It's highly possible for a lot of people finding shocking things to watch and view just helps break that monotonous monotone repetition of life. It's a quick fix of extreme emotion. Then back to the routine. I'm just theorizing though.
  14. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    very true. Life is such that nothing matters any more then work and home and routing and yes, once a year is not enough, hence the quick fix which can turn disagreable if one is not careful.
    Being aware however is better then nothing and although routine is grounding I do seek other motivations such as cycling to work or going out for brisk walks and chatting to friends.
    Reaching out for a scary book is not an option for me. I do make myself think before abusing my own priviledge.
  15. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    i've never heard of anyone having such a 'need' but if some do, i expect they could use a good shrink...
  16. Alex W

    Alex W New Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Whatever floats their boat I suppose, I don't 'need' to be scared, but it is fun if done well. I tend to struggle to be scared by books/films/games unfortunately, the Japanese are the only ones who really pull off horror films, and even then it's mixed quality.
  17. jazzabel

    jazzabel Agent Provocateur Contributor

    Jan 5, 2012
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    It is a well known fact that people like to experience vicariously all kinds of situations, and violence of one type or another is no exception. Personally, I don't watch horror movies, nor do I read gory books, it's just not my thing, but I love psychological thrillers which can be every bit if not more terrifying. It's just a personal preference.
    In any case, every human being has a dark side also, and to deny it, to bury it, to ignore it, is pointless because it will just get amplified and expressed in the wrong way.
  18. AmsterdamAssassin

    AmsterdamAssassin Active Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    I read them for research. :D
  19. Random Gerbil

    Random Gerbil New Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    i dont know about this. there is nothing safe about jumping from a plane. its a vehicle that soars thru the air thousands of feet above the ground. and yet people jump from it, willingly, with nothing but a large piece of cloth to prevent them from leaving a very gory, very real, easily replicated smear on the ground. the less than favorable outcome of it has happened so many times before, and people still do it. minimize risk sure, but if you totally remove risk it might as well be a movie about somebody jumping from a plane. people still enjoy that too, and books or what have you. point is the complete removal of risk while still providing excitement doesn't seem to be the goal, or mandatory. i still think your connecting "what happens in the book" and "what happens to me" too much. I've never seen this connection. i can pick up any book randomly, about any subject and have fun with it so long as its written well.

    i honestly think we are debating pie and cake here. you just don't like it, which is fine. i kind of feel like I'm trying to convince someone that red is the superior color, when its really just my preference. i can tell you all day why i think scary books are awesome, and you're probably not gonna get it. just take my word for it?

    EDIT - im not sure my responses are appropriate anymore. i think I'm a bit confused. what, exactly, are you asking?

    hard data on the effects of fear on a person?

    I'm sure we could find some. i know of a few studies and I'm sure there are hundreds more. its all pretty well documented.

    why would anybody want to read horror?

    like i wrote above, its very subjective. your answers follow the idea of "but i don't like it, so why do you?", at which point i can only say. yeah, cake or pie?

    why do horror books exist?

    not sure how to answer that one. your approaching that by saying "we try so hard to eliminate car crashes. its bad and wrong, so why do people enjoy reading about it?". I'm willing to allow for a lot of madness, just for the sake of creativity. plus, again, you're linking the two situations too much. one is a terrible thing for anyone to endure. the other is a choice one takes, in an industry that flourishes when allowed the freedom to spread its wings. and since its a choice your not forced to make, its not like you personally have to read that stuff, on that same coin you have to then turn around and allow others the same freedom of making the choice themselves. not trying to imply that you are trying to banish horror books. but every time people present a reason, you try to provide alternatives that would, theoretically, produce the same effect. when its really just the choice you would personally make between the two.

    so yeah, guess I'm just confused now. what exactly is being asked here?
  20. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    how does one research gruesomeness in stories?
  21. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    you cannot minimise risk but if you understood its consequences then you would not be jumping off an aeroplane.
    My guess is poeple who do seek thrills jumping off high cliffs/buidlings and open airs are literally transcending fear because they have learned to from a very early age..the more you know about scary/gruesome stuff the more you become desensitsed then there comes a time when you are now ready/wanting to try out all sorts of stunts that may or may not crush you to the grounds and scarr you for life.
    excitement is one thing but excitement sought through books/reading scary materials is a solo journey.
    notice how all these thrill seekers are always solo in their dangerous stunts. Taking risks at the highest level and wanting more and more evertime never satisfied and always on their own.
    there is nothing to like about something that will eventually end up comsuming my life and affecting those around me.
    I understand what is best for me and so avoid getting into thrills that I won't be to control long term.
    There are many examples of men and women who vanished, died, or got killed because their pursue of thrills got out of hand.
    I take count of that and that is enough for me to learn not to follow their routes.
    It is up to you to decide in the end of the day what it is you wish to do or be.
  22. Steerpike

    Steerpike Felis amatus Contributor

    Jul 5, 2010
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    California, US
    I doubt there have been any cases of someone ruining their life or committing some terrible act merely because they like to read horror stories.
  23. Random Gerbil

    Random Gerbil New Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    i suppose?

    i think im done here. i seems we are looking at different things. i see a book, harmless and an enjoyable pass time.

    you see a hazard, some form a gateway drug that will surely take you down a dark path.

    it raises a few interesting questions, but they would be off-topic. enjoy.
  24. AmsterdamAssassin

    AmsterdamAssassin Active Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Don't you mean 'why'? :D
  25. Cacian

    Cacian Banned

    Oct 25, 2011
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    of course that too.
    so why do you research 'gruesome' in books?

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