I didn't even know there was a forum when you clicked Short Stories. The top thing covers my screen really well and I never went down until today. Maybe it would be better to put the "Sub Forum" sections on the bottom or something? Just a thought. Does anyone else agree or am I paranoid. lol If I'm the only one, then I'll get used to it.
Not sure what you mean. On the home page, all the Short Story subforums are listed right under the Short Story heading, and they are links that take you directly to the desired subforum. And if you click directly into the main Short Story forum, the subforums are the first thing you see.
Yeah, when you click into the Short Stories, the first thing you see are those links, right here: https://www.writingforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=19. I didn’t notice that there was a forum THERE at all. I thought they were just the links and I had to pick a forum before posting. The same with the Contest forum: https://www.writingforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=72 I didn’t know there was a forum right there. The forum hasn’t even been posted in before. So, what I was proposing was maybe moving those to the bottom of the forum. Like, Short Stories Forum on top, and then the links to the Sub-Forums, on the bottom. Unless I’m the only one wigging out. Lol
In both those cases, there is little reason to post in the top level forum at all, so you really should be selecting the subforums. The posts in the top level forums are largely mistakes. And few people pay any attention to those top level forums, so Good Luck getting a response!
Would it be better to delete the forum then and have it redirect to a page where it shows the links to the sub forums? Or, maybe make the main forum a "Question Section" or something to ask, "Where would this best be posted" or something? lol Just shooting out ideas. I don't know.
There are still a bunch of old threads (and some newer ones) that occasionally get responses. Ideally, someone with abundant time should move all those threads to the best subforums, and then put a closed thread entitled Post Only In The Subforums, Please! From that point on, we could move or delete threads posted in the top level forum, at the moderator's discretion. But since your original question is essentially, Why don't we make the top level forum more visible, the best answer is, We don't really want to!
Nope. There is no good reason to post stories to the Short Story main forum. I have finally taken the time to move all the misposted threads to more appropriate places, and posted a notice that all short stories are to be posted to the appropriate subforum.
is it just me that has read this entire conversation and is not sure what wants changing?? Must just be my small mind. Quick question, are all short stories meant to be posted in a sub forum. I always do but I wasn't sure if they had to be.
A lot of the threads took root during the time that Daniel experimented with a Review Room layout suggested by one of the members. It turned out to be a confusing layout, so Daniel set it back closer to the original layout. The rest of the threads were all pretty old, just randomly posted in the top level of Short Stories over time. But it's all sorted now, so there's nothing left to do except check occasionally and deal with the occasional mistake.