Hello everyone! My name is Sarah, I'm 25 years old and from Germany. Reading books and writing stories has been a passion of mine ever since I was a child. Now at 25 years old I want to concentrate more on writing but I know that I still have a lot to learn. I'm joining this site to meet like-minded people and to exchange ideas and inspirations. One of my favorite authors is Patrick Rothfuss so if you want to wax poetics over the Kingkiller Chronicles with me, feel free to contact me Apart from that my favorites are A Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Harry Potter and many, many more. Currently I am also looking for a beta reader for a short story I have written. The theme is 'Haunted'. I am willing to beta stories as well but as I am not a native English speaker I would concentrate more on the plot and not so much on the grammar. Thank you for reading this. Have a good day (or night, where ever you are)!
Hi Sarah! Welcome to WF. Is your short story fantasy as well? Looks like you're a fan of the genre. Here's our New Member Quick Start to get you officially started. Have fun! -Kat
Welcome to the forum Sarah (love the username btw). I'm a big Lord Of The Rings fan myself and fantasy in general. Looking forward to sharing thoughts!
Thanks for the nice welcome No the short story isn't fantasy. I would say it's more or less general fiction with a hint of mystery. And glad that you like my username @karldots92 I'm looking forward to great discussions as well!
Does it count if I have an alien reading fairy tales written by another alien species? Hello, the more the merrier. Welcome to the Forum. Good luck with your works, and hope to C-ya around.
Genre, Genre, Genre! I have elements of fantasy in my work, but the settings are modern day earth. I never know what genre to say my novel is. I love Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings as well. Anne Rice is one of my favorites, and I love horror. I'm brand new here, and I keep plugging away. Back to rewrites now, and welcome!