Scriviner's spell check was totally find with "Klingon" (even suggesting the, proper, capitalization), but fell on it's face when it came to "raptor". Anyone else got a weird spell check story, where something you thought it would never recognize was there? Or the opposite, some incredibly common word that your processor had never seen before?
I just hate when I know something is a word, but I suck so badly at spelling, I can't get the word close enough for spell check to suggest the correct spelling.
Brussel as in brussel sprouts stumped my Scrivener spell check. Then this forum didn't recognize it either. So I went to Word. Who knew it was brussels sprouts?
My spell check used to choke all the time until I trained it up, since many of my novels are historical and archaic slang and terms are never part of the standard word list.
So here's an interesting feature I'd not noticed before. I named one of my characters Mountier and I hadn't yet added it to spellchecker's list on Scrivener. I'm working on a chapter and I noticed I was typing Montier so I corrected one of them and the red line disappeared. I corrected the rest, same thing. But a couple paragraphs up was Mountier, still with a red line. So I simply typed over the ou with ou and the red line disappeared. Spellchecker is removing the red line if I address it, but not learning new spelling. I wonder if it will remember I addressed these words when I close and reopen the file? Computer programs are weird.
Once you spell it right once, you should be able to right click and hit to add it to the spelling directory or ignore that word from now on.
One I've mentioned often is that it would seem the permutational subroutines by which spellcheckers function are written by the primmest of prudes. I love the word titillate, but it's one of those words I can't spell correctly to save my life and spellcheck turns its nose at me and adjusts its little narrow, gold-rimmed reading glasses, decorative glasses neck-chain all aglitter. If it won't help with titillate, you can imagine that every worse word that stands behind that one is a complete no-go.
When it's spelled wrong, you right click it and spellcheck gives only one possibility and it's the correct possibility. Why does it not just freakin' autocorrect it for you? Why!?!?
My problem with the spell checker is it corrects "wind" to "wind" every time. It auto-corrects so fast you can't even see it.
I once had it auto-correct an incorrect spelling of single to dingle, because dingle is soooo likely.
Bad spell check programs remind me of bad voice recognition software. When I say, "Call John Smith," my phone goes, "Did you mean Bob Ritz?" No, no I didn't mean Bob Ritz you piece of crap.
Just now it tripped over dayglow, but thought "sou'wester" was fine. That's a hat, the name of which I had to search google for. But apparently someone at spell check central had the names of a bunch of hats in their vocabulary.
I really need to hunt down and kill all auto-replace in all apps. I increasingly read over what I've typed and find weird word replacements, and I never know if my brain absently translated the right word into its sound into another word with that sound...or if the software did it for me.