Several years ago, when I was an active member of the Agony Booth forums, there was a guy who was writing a Sci-Fi trilogy he called Star City. For some reason, he thought that a sound plan for marketing his book was posting about it on a site called the Agony Booth and trying to get positive feedback. The problem was...the man is absolutely insane and his book is likewise an inane, rambling, barely coherent work that is barely readable. For example, the author thinks he shouldn't have to worry about proper grammar, sentence structure or spelling - that's the reader's job to struggle through it. He has threatened to unleash the third part of his trilogy upon an unsuspecting world...if only his mother-in-law would give him back his laptop. I **** you not. Here's his website. Warning: your intelligence may decrease as a result of reading through it. Here's his first appearance on the Agony Booth, where one of the posters examines his book, piece by piece. And finally, there's this exchange. It's probably the most hilarious thread in the existence of the Agony Booth. The author makes a return appearance and the various posters attempt to talk some sense into him, to no avail. Hilarity ensues.
Because he's so bad, it's hilarious. Also, the guy is literally insane. As in, TimeCube insane. He thinks that the aliens in his novel are real.
Hahaha, yeah, I should have thought that might be your suspicion. If that guy ever did show up here though, I can promise that he would be absolutely entertaining