1. aliciamarie

    aliciamarie New Member

    Jan 12, 2013
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    I am the worst brainstormer/planner of all time.

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by aliciamarie, Jan 12, 2013.

    I always have ideas. Ideas that I am so excited about that I immediately put pen to paper and write until my hand feels like it will literally implode. Then I forget about it, and go back to it months later. The problem is, I know I need to plan some kind of structure out but I can't do it. I try and get frustrated or can't come up with a tiny little detail and give up. Any tips? :mad:
  2. thirdwind

    thirdwind Member Contest Administrator Reviewer Contributor

    Jul 17, 2008
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    If you can't think of a detail, skip that particular scene and move on. And keep in mind that not all ideas will become stories, novels, etc., so it's completely acceptable to move on to other projects. Also make sure you keep whatever you've written. It's good to revisit old stuff, and you may decide to continue working on something you abandoned a long time ago.

    By the way, are you writing stories or novels? You may need to write shorter pieces so that you don't feel so overwhelmed.
  3. TemporalV01D

    TemporalV01D New Member

    Dec 7, 2011
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    Oudtshoorn, South Africa
    I always write a synopsis the moment inspiration for a story strikes - I never start writing the story right away. The synopsis should basically tell the story in short from start to finish, with any important events included. Generally, my synopses are very rough and often in point form (which makes it very easy to edit later). I also revise my synopses regularly, even if I'm not working on the project at the time, which makes it a lot harder to forget the details of the story. Hope that helps. :)
  4. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    the most important trait a writer must have to be successful, next to some level of 'talent' is 'self-discipline'...

    no one but you can make you write, or finish what you write... and no magical tips will embue you with self-discipline if you don't develop it in yourself...
  5. sylvertech

    sylvertech Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Thank god you write them on paper and save them.
    This is the most important step; the first.

    Just allow yourself to think deeper about them later.
    Keep them in one notepad that you return to daily or something.

    Personally, I have two sketch books (A4 paper) and two smaller pads the size of my hand.
    The first two are for home and school, the latter are for the playground, streets, friends' house, cafes, etc..

    The worst part EVER is when one of those rare, teared papers that somehow escape organization.
    And then I lump them in a corner, AND THEY ARE LOST FOREVER.

    Oblivion, she is a bitch.

    Edit: Also, you should also try writing shorter pieces.
    They're always more to fun to write and can be finished in a day or two (week at most) if you feel thrilled and excited.
  6. peachalulu

    peachalulu Member Reviewer Contributor

    May 20, 2012
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    occasionally Oz , mainly Canada
    Sounds like the ideas are lacking characters to propel them.
    When I get an idea I jot it down, than I think of characters that would
    work best with this idea.
    I jot some happenings - what could happen in the story, what does
    the character want, what kind of obsticles can I throw in the characters
    path to stop them from getting what they want.

    But don't burn yourself out by overplanning.
    Just dive in and start writing. Give yourself
    a set ammount of time a day and just write a
    scene maybe even out of sequence of the story.
    Anything to get something down on paper.

    It's hard to give up on an idea when you grow attached
    to the characters you create.

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