I have been wondering where to put this thread.. if it doesn't belong please move it! I have status messages reflecting what goes on in my WIP and my responses to it and it is really HEAPS of fun. Maybe others could use it that way too? Making a reply to my Progress Journal just increased my 'messages' and everytime I wanted to share a new insight would just increase this amount. I've hit status messages as the solution, and for me that works real well. Maybe that is something others could do too? *wondering*
I've had some very fun conversations on status updates too. I use them differently from my progress journal, which is more for me - to get things organised in my mind, or talk through a problem. I see that as talking to myself (though it's nice to get replies, too!) whereas statuses are directly inviting discussion.
I have found that none would reply to a progress journal - as you have said they are mainly for yourself - but that status messages give me the possibility to remember all the little steps along the road. And it really is heaps of fun that way
Plus, it's fun and easy rather than having to root through the progress journal that may have gone down beyond the first page.