I have an idea for a fantasy story....but can't seem to find "the" main character. I'm trying to find some inspiration that isnt cliche or used, what do you use to discover who is meant to be the main character??...If this needs more explanation let me know
Maybe instead of creating the main character off the bat, you could write a bit about where the story takes place, what's going on, and how it's going to end. You might be able to come up with a main character and his/her motivation for getting to the end after doing so.
For me it changes, one time my story comes about because of a main character I thought up. Other times I think of story idea and world first, then my main character comes to me. Right now, if you are struggling, I would suggest fleshing out your entire story in some notes and even some supporting characters or an antagonist. Delving into your world will help you organically find your main character. I promise.
This is exactly what I do. I would first write the entire book first without developing the characters, then in the second draft, I would add the character development and in the third draft, I would add logic to the story.
Ditto on that. I think it would be much more interesting to have no specific main character, though I'm possibly biased because I rarely have main characters myself. I make ensembles to keep the reader on their toes, because everyone can die! But I like killing my characters. If I feel like I really need an MC, the one who survives until the end is usually it.
I don't need to discover who the mc is, he/she appears together with (or even before) the story idea. This situation has yet never happened to me.