Hi all. Any help you can give would be really appreciated. I have completed a TV drama about a group of 20 somethings who perform experiments on each other. The experiments are to do with the brain and possible ways to recall memories that were once forgotten. Having looked back a number of times at what I have written it is lacking in technical language that I think it needs. Is anyone aware of anything that I can use? I really appreciate your help.
You're looking for some stuff you can read about memory to pick up on the jargon? I don't know about any text books, but for general background/history read 'Moonwalking with Einstein' by Joshua Foer. Also, go and loiter in the forums and articles at http://mnemotechnics.org/ - I've learnt a lot there
Hey thanks! That will really help. Much better than "Excuse me. Please could you pass that long thin metal item so I can push it into the this hole in this mans head." Okay, so maybe not as bad as that.
What jargon you use also depends on the knowledge available to your characters. If they're medical students, they probably would use mostly scientific or medical terms for anatomy/biology/etc. While I don't know too much about where to find things about memory, almost any version of Gray's Anatomy could be very useful for identifying parts of the human body. If you want an online source, they have a one where you can search for keywords and such here: http://www.bartleby.com/107/ Have fun, and happy learning!
I would do a Google search but there's not enough information here to point me in the right direction. In what kind of scenario are you shoving metal rods into people's heads?
Thanks guys. The whole premise of the story is tapping into the brains memory function and thus recalling memories you didn't know you had. A little like the part in Limitless where he recalls lost information, but the pill he takes in that has a lot of other effects too!
Sounds like something straight out of "Assassin's Creed". You know, the whole deal with Anymus and their autonomic nervous system research.
There are drugs that improve brain function. But there's a major problem with your premise, which you can just ignore, after all you are writing fiction. The brain stores altered memories along with true memories and sometimes mixes memories together giving you the perception of a real memory of things that never happened.
Suggest that you look up the chapter on Memory in a Cognitive Psychology text book. There are 2 types, Long term memory & short term memory. Based on your premise, I would suggest the bulk of your research should be directed towards LTM. If you have any questions you can PM me. I have a bachelors in Psych so maybe I can be of some assistance. I apologise if I am unable to reply immediately. I am pretty tied up with work.