1. Lord Malum

    Lord Malum New Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Kansas City, KS


    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by Lord Malum, May 18, 2011.

    So my story revolves around Earth fighting for it's freedom from an alien empire. My MC links up with the resistance and does his part in the war. In the end he plays a crucial role in the final battle that gains Earth her freedom, but it cost him dearly. And that's the jist of it.

    How exactly to present it is where I'm struggling. I can't seem to convey the sense that Earth has become an alien world and that humans are scarce on their own homeworld. The atmosphere doesn't say "The entire Earth is decimated by the war". Also, I'm falling short on obstacles for my MC and his crew to overcome and those I do have don't feel realistic to me.

    Happy to hear any and all suggestions!
  2. StrangerWithNoName

    StrangerWithNoName Longobard duke

    Nov 5, 2009
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    the waste lands, somewhere in Europe
    You may read the war of the worlds to get some inspirations, in the original V series I remember that the visitors were able to keep control of the warm places on Earth, and Turtledove had a similar idea...I would try to rework this concept.
  3. JimFlagg

    JimFlagg New Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    If this is so, then what has wiped out the majority of humans? Was it biological warfare or what? What ever it was use it as an obstacle for the humans to over come before the last battle of the war.

    As for how to present it I would look at Gorilla warfare. This is a tactic that is used when you are out classed by your enemy. Look at how terrorist fight first world countries. I would put the rebels into caves or under ground. I would have them travel by night or subways.

    You might want to read Dune because it has very good presentation of Gorilla warfare.

    Suggestion but in the end it is up to you.
  4. Ellipse

    Ellipse Contributor Contributor

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Think about the condition of the cities. Are they reduced to rubble? Are the buildings burnt out husks? Or do people still live there under the alien empire's control?

    What about the country landscape? Is it crattered by impacts from orbital bombardment or detonations?

    Is the sky the dark from all the smoke and ash in the air from fires?

    Maybe you should read a few apocalyptic novels or watch some movies.

    Look at the futuristic scenes of the Terminator movies. Mankind is shown fighting the machines with laser rifles and high tech weapons, but they live in dark underground slums feeding off rats.
  5. Laura Mae.

    Laura Mae. New Member

    May 4, 2010
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    One of the first things I thought of when I read this was, how did the Earth become like an alien world? Did the aliens bombard Earth with all kinds of futuristic weaponry from their spaceships, or did they physically land on Earth and kill humans, or did they simply try to take over the planet, and the conditions they live in, which they adapted Earth to become, are not suitable for human life, and so most of the humans died this way?

    Also, if they first of the above is the correct premise for your story, I'm guessing that Earth will be either extremely burnt and hot or possibly experiencing a kind of nuclear winter, as the smoke and ash from the explosions would eventually (if there was enough of them to create such a large mass of smoke) block out heat from the sun, and so plunge Earth into an ice age. Obviously, if it's hot you're going to need to think about fires, possibly a shortage of fresh water (a reason for a lot of humans dying?), loss of wildlife and also loss of foliage, e.g. plants/trees which would result in the oxygen levels decreasing, stopping respiration etc.

    That's suitable if you want to get scientific, and whichever state you wish to have Earth would work. You should have a look at other planets in our solar system and their atmospheres/climates and use them for ideas. Check out this site http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system for help, it's got lots of info about different planets, for example:
    - study Mercury and Venus if you want Earth to be hot
    - study Mars if you want a planet that is always changing, possibly as a result of instability due to the effects of the aliens' attack
    - look at Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus for gaseous planets
    - Pluto (although not technically a planet any more) as it was the furthest away, extremely cold and there is lots of info about it still, from when it was considered a planet

    For situations for your MCs, you could have them needing to get from place to place, which would be difficult on a planet that is completely "alien" to them, or have them trying to find things e.g. fresh water, other humans, any aliens (if they wanted to hunt and kill them, that is) or have them try and rescue someone.

    Sorry I've ranted a bit, I just had lots to say as this kind of thing quite interests me. I hope I've helped somewhat, good luck with your writing :)
  6. Lord Malum

    Lord Malum New Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Kansas City, KS
    Everyone's had some wonderful suggestions so far and I'm considering the ones I like and that fit. Maybe I skimped on the details a bit, ya think? lol

    So it's been about fifteen years since the war was lost. Humans have been integrated into the alien empire's society throughout the galaxy, though most stay on Earth. The resistance fighters are equally spread out, but centered on Earth. They operate from undergound bases in mountains and such. Other alien races that have met similar fates aid the rebels.

    During the war, every world power united against the invaders in conventional warfare (think Battle: LA style) so most major cities were reduced to rubble. The aliens specialize in hand-to-hand combat as a way of keeping their honor and gaining glory. Ranged weaponry is effective but only in massive amounts as their armor is integrated into their anatomy and offers superior protection against projectiles. Orbital bombardments were used only against major military targets.

    Hopefully that fills in some gaps. I'm not sure if I should have the invaders rebuild Earth to fit their society or Earth should just be a provencial planet. What would be some targets for the rebels to attack that would be effective?
  7. CH878

    CH878 Active Member

    May 24, 2011
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    how about having another rebel group, which, although they want to free earth, also want to gain power after the aliens have been defeated. that could provide some obstacles for your MC, so there are sort of two enemies.
  8. Castle Pokemetroid

    Castle Pokemetroid New Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    You could always have aliens with superior and devastating war based technology.

    Have a city or two be leveled, then show the destruction in detail.

    It's not exactly original, but it works.
  9. Gigi_GNR

    Gigi_GNR Guys, come on. WAFFLE-O. Contributor

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Milwaukee, WI
    It might be a good idea to read 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy, just to get the idea of a forlorn and desperate world, and to get a better feel for the emotions in such a situation.
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  10. JimFlagg

    JimFlagg New Member

    Apr 26, 2011
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    Wow that is a tough one. Sounds a lot like, "Battle Field Earth" to me. The problem with losing a war and having the victors infiltrate your land and culture is that it would take a political, religious or sympathetic movement with in the invaders, in order to gather enough resources and assets to fight back.

    If the humans rebelled all the invaders would have to do is call their home world to send reinforcements. You would need some kind of technology, overwhelming change in power or event to prevent that from happening in order to make it believable.

    Its your book however so tell it the way you wish.
  11. Lord Malum

    Lord Malum New Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Kansas City, KS
    I think I've solved my problems. Thanks everyone who offered suggestions. You were all a great help!

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