I'll be in pre-op by myself as only two at a time can be in the room and my kids will be with my husband so he can't come with me. I'm in the middle of reading a book right now on my Nook. I don't like starting a new book while I have one going. It's an obsession of mine. I'm too involved in the character's lives and it's like moving a world away to start another book while one is still going. I know the characters are there. But it's like they are in a parallel dimension, living their lives without me. But it's my Nook. And if the staff are jerks, they may not return said Nook to my husband. I have "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" in paperback. It was a birthday present from a dear friend. I've not read it yet, since I've seen all the movies (in Swedish with subtitles, plus the American made movie). I figured there'd be time to read stories I've seen, so I've been reading things I haven't seen. BUT...if I don't get that book back, I'll feel horrible for losing a gift. It's a dilemma. I know. However, I could be stuck in pre-op for hours. Not sure I want to be book free that long with nothing to do but lay in bed.
I loved Dragon Tattoo -- it was better than the movies (although the Swedish one did an awfully good job staying true to the book), but I don't know that I could say it would be a good 'diversion' book to read while I was reading something else. What about a book of short stories? Or The Hunger Games if you haven't read it? It is a very fast read, and worth reading to keep up with the pop culture. Or if you really want to keep up with the pop culture with a book you don't care whether it's lost, there's always 50 shades... I'm trying to think of stuff that could be read in an afternoon and not a big deal to lose. Most of what I read doesn't fall into that category. But this seems like a good opportunity to read something totally different from what you might normally read (and since I don't know what that is, it's hard for me to recommend.) Good luck with your surgery. Liz
It's a non issue! Hubby got his mom to watch the older kidlets so all he needs to bring is the short one (she won't watch him because he is a major handful and she has fibromayalgia). That keeps humans to the 2 visitors per room rule. I can bring the Nook and give it to him when he leaves. Woo hoo! However, I've been to excited to sleep so I'll probably just pass out now. This surgery has been a long time coming. I had to reschedule then deal with a multitude of issues to obtain the second surgery date. As of 2 days ago it didn't even look like it would happen. Oh, and I don't really care about keeping up with pop culture. I tend to shy from things EVERYONE is reading, simply because there is a world of literature out there that hasn't gotten read. I've found some major gems that way and it keeps my perspective fresh. I've found some horrifically written literature as well, but going with pop culture does that too at times, so it all works out even in the end.
You could try various mystery series. xD I recommend Silver Lies: A Silver Rush Mystery (Silver Rush Mysteries) by Anne Parker. It's a good read, if you're into mysteries set in the 1880s and the American West. It's from the prespective of a saloon owner named Inez Stannert. It's the first of four books.