Again, without recasting, do the two examples below look correct with regard to suspensive hyphenation? This, of course, is nonfiction. I think these could be dead-on correct. Hoping so. a $100,000- to $150,000-per-year income a $6 million- to $12 million-a-year commitment a 10%- to 15%-a-year increase in sales But I think the examples below look better, with the en-dashes and hyphens. Do you concur? a $100,000–$150,000-per-year income a $6 million–$12 million-a-year commitment a 10%–15%-a-year increase in sales Thank you.
you don't need 'to' as well as the dashes ... its an either or , and in the second set of examples you don't need the dashes in -per-year etc In professional writing I'd say per annum (abrv p.a) rather than 'per year' or 'a year' on the last one you might want to say uplift or whatever the current jargon is for 'increase in sales'