Right,,I've not long purchased a Samsung Google Chromebook. It's simple, no updates required as does all by itself, has Google app store, is a general browser, - that's mainly what it is, and does have its own document writer program which doing some research can be somehow converted and made into an ebook, so I know it can be done, but, as for a printer it seems I would need an eprinter , so not just any regular printer, and also I've been reading on the net that for ebook covers there are programs like power point, keynote, and photo shop you can buy to create them - which I'm not sure you can on a chromebook (haven't tried yet). But then others are saying to steer well away from windows, all the laptops out are windows, and they have updates on this and that which take forever and this is what put me off of getting a laptop in the first place . Could anyone on here enlighten me as to if it's best to be using my chromebook or do get a proper laptop (though I wouldn't be able to afford PowerPoint or word for a while) - im currently writing by hand but it's cr*p editing and re editing by hand as takes so long, so want to type as I go, and at the point now where I can do that, but I don't want to type up on my chromebook or splash the can't really afford cash on an eprinter when it would be better for me in the long run to get a laptop. Please can you help? Or research and help? I'm desperate here as want to begin typing up but just can't because I don't know what's best. Thanks
I'm not all that familiar with Chromebooks, but given that it's a Google product, I assume there must be access to Google Docs, yes? Is that the word processor of which you speak or does tha machine have an internal, onboard word processor as well? Many forum members swear by Google Docs. I'm a Scrivener guy myself as I find MS Word to be an ungainly, huge, resource hog of an app. Also, I'm on a Mac and the Mac version of MSWord sucks Zeus's you-know-what.
Yes I think it's Google docs that I have. I'd never be able to afford a mac anyway haha!! A big mac maybe though I will check later if it's Google docs that I have on my chromebook and it may well be worth spending out on a compatible printer then
See if your Chromebook will allow you to save from Google Docs to a pin drive. A USB port on a printer to access files from a pin drive is much more common and much less expensive than a wifi-ready printer.
I've just checked and yes it's definitely Google docs. Is that a good program to use? The only twang is the printing,as I said it's not straight forward and needs to be done via a Google cloud printer - im off down pc world ltr to see what I can get and on the cheap side cos I know they are a rip off for their big bucks. I think argos comes up with one on their site but think it's an apple cloud one and not sure if will be compatible as lists others but im so technically unminded that I just would know and as it's excluded from the 30 day £ bk guarantee I'd be stuck with a useless printer if was no good to me. Plus I'd need a cartridge - which if argos doesn't stock and I can't get at pc world, - I think I'm just better buying at pc world yes???
I've not used Google Docs, but again, many forum members swear by it, and anything that cracks the monopolistic foundations of MS Office products gets my vote until it proves it doesn't deserve it. As for the printer, I'm not terribly sure. I have a Brother laser printer (works like a photocopier, pages come out warm and don't smudge when wet) which is a wifi printer, but I bought it because of work so the expense was justified. As regards my personal writing, I don't print much, really, so it's not an expense I think about.
eprinter is a term from HP so only HP printers will have the "eprinter" name although there are many printers who can print using WiFI although I'm not sure if those will work with a chromebook. I have an epson and they have an app for android/iOS that allows you to print from a mobile device. Not sure if that will work for chromebook. However, most of the new printers have a USB or SD card slot which allow you to print from as Wreybies already pointed out. The only thing to know is that Google Docs doesn't have a file format so if you want to print a document from google docs, you need to save it first as a word document or PDF file on your USB drive and the printer will be able to print that. Just go to File -> Download as -> PDF. With the PDF On an SD card or USB drive you can just plug it in your printer and print.
I've just been out to pc world and bought a printer. Didn't cost too much, was 69.99 and specified Google cloud - which is what was detrimental, as well as wifi and it's an all in 1 scanner/printer which is handy. Bought 3 cartridges, figured I'd need them!!!! Only now I thought I have no plastic wallets :/ another journey later to tesco to buy some. Be glad to get in and settle down and just write!!!
Apparently with Google cloud it works like Apple cloud and much like over wifi- no usb plug in , should be quite straight forward (we will see!) , but if definitely had to be a Google cloud compatible printer, which it is. I don't need any power machine and already having a chromebook, was on the cheap scale but expensive for me - and didn't want to fork out for a laptop if could help it,so I'm glad I didn't have to. I think I have the right setup now to continue my processing work. See I write it up first, like a chapter , then edit on paper, then reedit, then once I'm happy with it (or think I am), I will type it up and save and print as I go. I figured will be easier that way.
what will you use those 'plastic wallets' [folders] for? are you referring to the 2-pocket kind that schoolkids keep their assignments in?
Yep!!! Totally those school kids plastic wallets!!! Well when I'm done with typing and printing I slot my work into these 'school girl plastic wallets' (!!!) to protect it and keep it clean
i've always loved using the floppy, clear, pastel 'sleeves' that are open on 2 sides... they're swedish-made, i think... looking for them just now, i found the pocket kind you like... you might fall in love with these, as i did: \http://www.jampaper.com/Folders/RegularWeightSeeThroughFolder these are similar to the ones i used to keep on hand: http://www.office-supplies.us.com/Plastic-Pockets-Sleeves-Sparco-p/spr01798.htm [can anyone tell me how i can add the actual images to a post?]
I've got some clear wallets which are joined down the left hand side but open at top and right hand side. These I then hole punch to put into my ring binder and is working well for me
There's plenty of online photo editing programs you can use to create your covers without needing to download or buy photo editing software.