I tried writing battle scene,and i am not sure,in what tense should it be written?What is generaly used,and what is best.Please if you don't mind posting any example...
The tense should be the same as that of the entire novel. If it's third person limited written in past tense, why would the battle scene be any different? Yes, there are examples. A present tense novel where one is reflecting back on the past could be written past tense. For an example, I'm providing links to my novel Flank Hawk (chapter 1 and 2). Flank Hawk Chapter 1 Flank Hawk Chapter 2 Beyond that, I would recommend that you go to novels you've enjoyed reading that are similar to what you're trying to write and accomplish. See how those authors did it through careful reading and study. Then take those ideas, modify them to your writing style. Good luck! Terry