Has anyone read the Border trilogy by Cormac McCarthy. I'm at the moment reading All the Pretty Horses, the first book, and it's amazing so far (almost at the end). The sparsely dressed language, how it puts the bleak and dry plains of Texas and Mexico in just the perfect light. In his words is more feeling than he could ever have achieved using adjectives. Dialogues that tell more just by being so short. Less is more and when it comes to a novel by McCarthy this is truly the case. When I open the book, halfway my first page, and I'm there, I'm riding besides Grady and Rawlins, feeling the heat, stained with sweat and smelling like horse, doing what I have to do. There is no middle ground. Either you get sucked in, or you lose a whole other experience.
I've only read All the Pretty Horses. Haven't really gotten around to reading the other two. McCarthy is one of my favorite writers, and I really enjoyed this book. You should read his Blood Meridian. I think it's his best work.
Thank you for that tip.. I'm planning to read everything he ever wrote, so that will definitely be in my future plans!
I've not read much of McCarthy, but I loved The Road, and so I plan to expand into him later on. Thanks for the tip, I might start with The Border books first now.