In this thread we confess things that we feel guilty about. I'll go first. I feel guilty about making an avatar which claims to be a forum supporter when, in fact, I am not.
I feel guilty about starting arguements with people for my own personal enjoyment. I'M KIDDING! God, you're all so gullible! I'm not guilty.
I feel guilty when I reach for the last roll in the basket, or the last serving of Szechuan Fish in Chili Sauce, or the last pickle...
I'm guilty that I just walked downstairs, then heard my baby brother crying in the living room and my mum getting annoyed, and quietly made my way back upstairs.
I feel kinda guilty about how much work time I spend on the internet screwing around. But, only kinda guilty. If they just gave me enough work to keep me out of trouble...
One time I told my, then, girlfriend that we couldn't do anything that night because I had a project due the next day that I totally forgot about and I had to do it. In reality: season three of star trek: the next generation, which I ordered, came in the mail ...
I feel guilty about dumping three worst-nightmare customers on my co-workers as I dashed out the door today, ten mins early.
I'm secretly looking foward to Tylor Hansons next project/band (The dude singer from Hanson from the 90s) I don't know why, but i am..
WTF I love JT!! (Side note: My cousin and I once saw the N*SYNC videos enough times to distinguish JT's voice from the others. Then we would only sing his parts of the song. ) I feel guilty whenever I yell at people who dont deserve it, but I know they wont judge me for doing so.
Double post. I also feel guilty about reverting to my old habits. Most call it insane. Some call it dangerous. I know it's unhealthy, but as far as I'm concerned, there's no way I can physically screw up my body any worse than it already is.
I feel guilty that I am denying myself the one thing I might actually need at the moment simpy because I don't want to hear the motormouths that i have to see on a semi-daily basis....I just don't think I could handle the judgement five days of the week.
I feel guilty that i waste my time on here when i could be writing. If i spend as much time doing the later as the former id have finished my novel by now AND gone through a few edits